Monday, January 28, 2008

LOOK! Actual knitting content!!

Well, I just couldn't help myself, I started another project! I even had to go pick up another set of 9 needles because all of my others are in UFOs too!! :P

At least I'm doing this one from my yarn stash, that counts for something... right??

This is the Vine Stitch Wrap from the Vogue Knitting on the Go - Shawls. I am really enjoying the easy lace pattern. It is easy enough not to get aggravating but interesting enough to keep my attention... at the moment anyway. I'm sure it will look much better after it is finished and blocked.

Got my yarn for my Dishcloth swap pal.... now I just have to get going on the knitting part.... ooooh... another project!! ha ha!!

I still haven't given up on my red socks.... I was just sick of looking at them every night, taunting me. They are still taunting me from the sock project bag in the corner.... I can hear them calling my name as I'm knitting on the wrap, they are trying to make me feel guilty!! It just might be working.... but I'm still mad at them so I'm not ready to give in yet. :)

Saturday, January 26, 2008

Startitis a Dangerous Knitting Disease!

You guys have just got to go over to Gypsy Knits and read her post on Startitis, it is just too funny!! The scary thing is that it is also too true!!!! Especially for me, I can tell you that I have this disease, and bad!!! Someone in the disease research field really should find a cure for this! ha ha!

"From my "knitting research" Startitis is a dangerous knitting disease....."

Doldrums Dishcloth Swap TOTW #2

There are many people who ADORE receiving hand-knit or crochet items; but there are just as many who have no appreciation whatever of how much love, work, and time goes into a hand-made item. Share a story of a hand-made gift you gave to someone and how it worked out - good, bad, or ugly!

Ok, the one that has always stuck in my mind and just won't go away.... sorry Mom, I have to tell on you!!! :P

I learned to crochet before I learned to knit.... the first year I was a crocheting fool, I did an afghan for all of my female relatives for Christmas that year! I think I did 14 of them!!! Well, when Mom opened hers the words out of her mouth were: "I don't need any more blankets...", not to worry, you won't get another one from me!!! I know that sounds harsh but whether you like my gift or not you should at least be polite and say thank you, it's lovely.... wait till I'm gone before you shove it in the back of some closet!! :) It's just plain old good manners if you ask me!!

I am really careful of who I gift with my handmade items now..... If I know the person just doesn't appreciate handmade items I won't put the effort into it. Which I think is sad, because I would LOVE to receive a handmade item from someone. I know the thought that goes into choosing just the right pattern, just the right yarn, all the effort that goes into creating the item, whether knit, crocheted or other hand crafted item, and all the love that goes into each piece. That is why I like doing these swaps, I know that my swap partner truly appreciates what I send..... unlike some of my family members!! ;)

Longing For Spring Swap

Amy has a new swap going.... Sign ups are until Feb. 14th but there is only room for 40 participants, so get over there now & sign up!! :)

Longing for Spring Swap Details - Each participant will send ONE package to ONE swap partner. The package should include all things spring (following the hints from your pal's questionnaire), a knitting pattern, and enough yarn to complete one small project.

Tuesday, January 22, 2008

Meme Meme

I saw this over at Chan's blog and she told everyone to join in so I thought I would. I'll even include some of those rare photos of me!! I hope I don't regret that, I'm one of those paranoid people who doesn't like to post photos on the Internet.... The Meme is easy enough; just list 10 things you’ve done that are rather unique, or that not everyone else is apt to have done.

1. I enlisted in the United States Coast Guard when I was 17.

2. I jumped off the flight deck of my ship into the ocean off of Cuba, a Coastie's idea of "fun".
3. I received the Sharpshooter Ribbon for the 9mm pistol and the Expert Medal for the M-16 while in the USCG. My hubby & step-son still won't let me go to a Turkey Shoot.... they are afraid I'd show them up I think!! ha ha!
4. Some girlfriends & I won a deep sea fishing tournament!

5. I won my division in the Herrschners afghan contest.


6. I accidentally brought a puppy back to life one time!! She was only about 2 weeks old and I swear that she died! Went limp, no heartbeat, no breath.... I laid her in my lap and was crying and just rubbing her little chest thinking how sad the whole situation was.... then all of a sudden she started squirming and WOW! she was back!! I guess the rubbing on her chest got her heart going again!!

7. I built my own remote control air plane. I even put a pilot in there, barbie sacrificed the lower half of her body to be my pilot! ha ha!

8. I can fly my own remote control air plane.... my hubby still has to take off & land for me but I can fly it once it is up there!!

9. I went on the Canopy Tour cable thing while on vacation in Costa Rica.

10. I walked up those damned stairs in Atlanta TWICE!! ha ha!

On to another quick subject....
First... Blogger is ticking me off!!! Do you see what it is doing to my formatting?? My photos & text are all wonky!!! UGH!!!! You guys on Wordpress, is it this aggravating to add photos to your text and have it look right?
Second.... I saw that my Secret Dishcloth Swap Pal commented...ooooh, I'm getting excited now!! I just love this swap!! :)

My Acceptance Speech

I never even knew that I was in the running but Uberstrickenfrau gave me an award!! Well, I had a little trouble coming up with an acceptance speech so I googled it and got a little help.... he he Here we go.... and for those of you who may stumble upon my blog by accident, this is a joke, my sense of humor can be quirky at times.....

Thank you! Oh! Thank you! I can hardly conjugate verbs! I feel so lucky! *sniff, sniff* And this award - it's so shiny & bright! Oh, thank you again! I just want everyone to bow down before me and accept that even in my wildest hallucinations, I never would have fantasized that this could ever happen to me.

And to the other second-rate nominees, I want each of you to know how totally vindicated your crushing defeat makes me feel right now!

You know, there are so many "little people" to thank! First off though, I want to thank the senile old bat herself, who looked deep within her Magic 8-Ball before giving me this fantastic award! Also, I want to thank my guru, for being such a powerful force in my kitchen. (???What???) And to People Under the Stairs, who taught me to take life by the fifth of bourbon. And finally, to all the personal assistants I fired - I couldn't have done it without you! Thank you America, and good night!

Well, really I just want to thank Olga.... it has been such fun to read your blog!! I could never compete with your deliriousness, oops I meant hilariousness!! I want to be you when I grow up!! I'm so glad that somehow I stumbled upon your blog one day!!

So, everyone that hasn't gone on over and checked out the Uberstrickenfrau blog, you are really missing out!!

Now, for the 10 that I'm going to nominate for the You Make My Day Award.... I'm going to go the easy route and nominate everyone in my blogroll on the right (scroll down to the Places I Go section).... so if you see your link there, your IT! :D I love to stalk others blogs, some I comment on regularly and others I just like to nose around. But sooner or later you'll get a comment from me, I'm just too "commenty" not to! Some of you already know each other, but if there is a new one there that you haven't seen or visited before go give them a looksie, I think all of them are interesting in their own way. :)

Friday, January 18, 2008

Doldrums Dishcloth Swap TOTW #1

Weekly Topic: Dishrag. Dishcloth. Face cloth. I've seen folks get all fired up in forums when someone refers to their knit or crochet creation as a dishrag, as that's somehow offensive to them! When you're working on yours, what do you call them? Also, is there a difference between a dishrag and a dishcloth? How bout a facecloth? Are they all really the same thing?

Don't think I'd get all worked up about it but I can see how someone could get offended by their creation being called a "rag". That to me seems to bring to mind some worn out old cloth that I might use to clean up one of the cat's hairballs.... he he, JJ!!! Ok, that was just disgusting! I know that some people just use the term "dishrag", no biggie.

I think I refer to mine as washcloths or dishcloths. A washcloth can be used for the bath or the kitchen, whichever you want it for. I like to use my washcloths in the shower or bath. I don't use facecloths but I would imagine that would be knitted or crocheted out of a really soft yarn. For your dishcloth you wouldn't have to use extra soft yarn, just plain ol cotton....

Did I answer the question??? Or did I just get to rambling on about nothing here..... hmmm... I can do that sometimes!! :)

Just sharing...

Since I have no knitting content at the moment I thought I'd share my entry into Jessi's blogiversarry contest.....

For my favorite pattern I chose the Dream in Color Shrug. I haven't knit this yet but I have been wanting to, been eyeballing that pattern for a while! OO
You can get the pattern & the yarn at the Knitter's Palette here:

I love the peach color too!!! I haven't tried the Dream In Color yarn either but it looks so soft & the colors are so wonderful!! If anyone out there has tried it let me know how you liked it.
As for my favorite yarn.... that is a tough one, there are sooooo many to love!!! :) My fav at the moment has to be the Scandalous yarn that I got from Jessi just recently!
Hopefully I will have some "real" knitting content soon. After being sick & then my trip to Atlanta I have found that I just can't get into my red sock. But I'm afraid if I start on another project I won't ever get that 2nd sock done!! I am the UFO queen ya know! *snicker*

Monday, January 14, 2008

I am the Stair Master!!

Well, I'm back from my working trip to Atlanta, and exhausted!!!

I crawled out of bed at 4am Saturday, unwillingly I might add.... my flight left at 6am.... arrived at the Atlanta airport at 8:50am. I navigated my way to my first trip on the MARTA train.

Here is the amazing part, of course the escalators were not working so I decided to take the stairs, they really didn't look too bad standing at the bottom, really!! I had my tote bag with my knitting, book, magazines & purse stuffed inside & my carry on bag which was crammed to the max, had to be 40 to 50 pounds of stuff I was carrying.... so maybe the stairs wasn't a bright idea, but the line to the elevator was sooooo long & my boss was waiting on me, I had to make some tracks. Up I went, & up, & up, & up, my legs felt like jello, I was huffing & puffing, couldn't catch my breath, I did finally make it to the top after one short stop about 3/4 of the way up to try to re-group. (I wasn't the only one who had to do that!! Thank goodness!) I looked back at those stairs & swore I'd never attempt something so stupid again!! ha ha!!!

I got on the MARTA train with a little help from a very friendly man who worked there & showed me how to get my ticket, put it on the automated gate opener, & commented sweetly on my NC accent.... all of us Southerners don't have the same "Southern Accent". :) Took my short trip across town on a loaded with people train, luckily I got a seat!! Finally met up with my boss & took my coat & luggage to the baggage check..... off we went shopping!!

Now, to those of you who love to shop this would have been heaven!! Me? I'm more of an on-line shopper who likes to shop in the comfort of my home, in my jammies, on the computer, & it all gets shipped right to my door!!

Here is a photo of one of the 3 buildings. If I get my phone working right I'll post the photos I took from inside. This was shopping mania! Each building had from 14 to 22 floors, & each floor was stuffed with stores & vendors. So, from about 9:15 am to 6pm we walked, & walked, & walked, shopped & shopped & shopped.... walked some more, shopped some more. Found lots of good stuff to sell in the store, lots of kids toys & trinkets, jewelry, vases, fish dishes, paintings, the cutest goofy bird wind chimes & yard art, wall sculptures, etc... I couldn't begin to recount everything we bought, it was amazing!! So was the amount of money we spent!! :O Good thing it was the company's money!! We only took a short break for a sandwich for lunch, then on the move again.

We finally retrieved my luggage & caught the MARTA train back across town to where the car was parked. Headed to where we were staying, I was with the Boss Wife & we stayed at the MIL's home. She is a great & funny lady. We then cleaned up, went to dinner & actually went SHOPPING at Steinmart!!!! I did pick up a new purse just to try to get into the spirit of things..... Went back to MIL's, watched a movie, and in bed about 11:45pm! I couldn't poop out on them, I had to show them that I could hang, right?!!

We were off & running Sunday morning, arrived at the MARTA train, still no working escalator! Believe it or not, we took those damned stairs again! I was still huffing when I got to the top, but it wasn't nearly as bad without luggage!! I didn't feel so bad when the boss was huffing & puffing with me when we got to the top! :P I still would not choose to go up those things willingly again!! That's just insane!!!! I'm all for a little exercise, but not giving myself a heart attack!! ha ha!

We shopped till about 5:00pm, just had to stop by the GAP on the way home, that is one shopping woman!!! Then headed off to dinner with the FAL, & step-mom.... finally in bed about 10pm.....

Got up & headed out about 6am this morning & arrived home about 12 noon today! I proceeded to curl up on the sofa and take a long nap!! he he! The hubby woke me when he got home from work this evening. I'm still tired! I'll probably be in bed by 10 tonight, that's early for me.

Whew! What a weekend!! Something to look forward to next year!! NOT! And all that great stuff we bought.... it will start coming in to the store in about a month.... tons of boxes that will need to be unpacked, priced, put in the store, put in storage, etc..... Well, at least it will be job security, something to do.

Friday, January 11, 2008

It's Positively Scandalous!

Just look at this wonderful yarn that arrived today from Jessi!! It's pink & black, much prettier than the photo turned out. It's called "Scandalous", got it from Jessi's etsy shop, Alabama Fiber Dreams. She has some others, I left a few for everyone else, didn't want to get greedy!! :) And she included a pretty little flower bead sock stitch marker. Thanks Jessi, I love it!!! Of course the hubby said I should make a bikini out of it instead of socks, what a goof!! ha ha

And I finished a dishcloth, turned out nice I think, I like the half & half look. I needed a fast project so I'd feel like I have accomplished something other than just buying yarn!! ha ha!

Heading to Atlanta tomorrow for a trade show for work.... I'll be back sometime Monday & check in with everyone. My plane leaves at 6am!!! Ugh, I have to get up really early, not looking forward to that! I will be taking a knitting project along to pass time time in flight though. Hope everyone has a good weekend!

Defeat The Winter Doldrums Exchange Questionaire

1. Do you knit, crochet, or do both? Both

2. What types of needles do you enjoy using for making dishcloths? Metal Straights, usually size 6 for cloths.

3. What types of cotton do you enjoy using for making dishcloths? Is there any that you've been wanting to try? I like just about all of it, I'm willing to try anything new, I usually just use Peaches N Cream or Sugar N Cream, sometimes Punto. Made some nice washcloths out of Knitpicks Shine Worsted.

4. What color(s) are your kitchen and bath decorated in (if any)? Kitchen is Black & White, but I like to mix colors in with those for the kitchen. The bath is going to be Aqua, tan & white, with some bright Flamingo art prints in there.

5. What are your favorite colors for yarns? Least favorite? My favorites are Purple & Pink, I also like light blue & green & bright colors. But I also like earthy colors. I can't decide... I like them all!! My least favorite would probably be yellow.

6. Do you like Winter, or do you count the days until it ends? I like winter ok, doesn't get too cold here. But cold enough that I can just stay inside & knit! :)

7. What's your favorite way to brighten your day when you're down in the dumps? Watch a good movie, eat spaghetti (my favorite comfort food), or spend some time checking up on my blog buddies, they always cheer me up. Sometimes knitting a dishcloth cheers me up, that's just about instant gratification of a completed project!

8. What is your favorite treat to indulge in and when your down in the dumps? Spaghetti of course, gummies & popcorn with lots of butter!! And knitting of course!

9. Do you drink coffee? Tea? Cocoa? Tea, but just the plain stuff. I'm more of a Diet Mt. Dew person.

10. If you could take a vacation starting tomorrow and go anywhere for one week and money were no object, where would you go and what would you do? Hawaii.... I would relax & knit & read by a pool somewhere, & have some cute pool guy bring me fruity drinks in pineapples!! ha ha!! I'd also like to visit Ireland & Scotland and tour the castles & drink a pint in some local pub.

11. Do you have any allergies or aversions your pal should be aware of? Just dust & mold & pollen.... don't send any of those please. :)

Monday, January 7, 2008

A few new Etsy Listings...

I have added just a few items to my Etsy Store... Daisy Stitch Markers, Ruby Red Grapefruit Tape Measure & a Rainbow Mix Tape Measure.... Got to get busy making more cookies, they have all been snapped up! :)

Friday, January 4, 2008

Everybody go wish Anne & Martina a Happy 1 Year Blogiversary!! Anne was extremely nice to me and let me into my very first swap.... that has evolved into swapmania!! he he!

Anne is also almost ready to crank up the Winter Dishcloth Exchange, they will be taking registrations on Jan 11, I'll be there with bells on!! Come on Chan, you know you want to!!!! :P

Tuesday, January 1, 2008

A Toaster Oven for Christmas???

Well, I have to say that while last year the Hubby Santa went & got my entire wish list at the LYS, which was WONDERFUL.... this year he outdid himself!

He went out on a limb & got me a present that I hadn't thought of, a toaster oven! A toaster oven for Christmas?? Well, when I tore into the package on Christmas Eve, before I could get all the paper off, he stopped me and said...."honey, I don't want you to think that I got you a toaster for cooking (I hate to cook!), I wouldn't do that. I thought you could use this to make your clay stitch markers in. You won't have to time them & no worries about burning them." Awwwww.... ain't he sweet!!??!! And it is one of those nice toaster ovens that has the temp control & timer, he said that he made sure it had all of that before he bought it.
And yes, I have burnt a batch or two of sheep & others.... & the step-son burnt a batch for me when I forgot to take them out of the oven the night before, I turned it off & let them cool off in the oven. I forgot to take them out afterwards.... next day he went to pre-heat the oven for a frozen pizza.... needless to say I had me some toasty sheep! haha!! It really was funny even though it was disappointing at the same time, they are very time consuming to make & they couldn't be salvaged.

I have to say that my hubby really gets me & my craftiness even though he gets that glazed deer in the headlight look about him when I start talking knitting, yarn, stitch markers, swaps, blogging friends, & what do you think of this color or what about this pattern..... ha ha! Poor guy, he really tries to act interested. :) And I know he pays attention sometimes because he tells everyone about my crafts & how I sell my clay animals online & that I've won contests & whatnot..... can you imagine the glazed looks of his buddies as he is telling them about my craft adventures.... **LOL, snort, snicker**!!!

And, one of my sisters got me a Walmart gift card for Christmas & I knew exactly what I wanted! I went & got myself organized!! Now we can eat at the kitchen table again!! he he!
Now I have all the clay, findings, pliers, paint brushes, beads, etc (well, most of them anyway!) in this nifty storage container that has all those drawers, & it has wheels! I can wheel that sucker right into the laundry room when I'm done messing around with it, walla, clean dining room table! :) Thanks sis, I love it!
Now see that beautiful plant beside it?? Isn't it gorgeous? It stayed out on my front porch all summer & fall, loved it there. Let's see if I can keep it alive this winter.... while I can grow lots of pretty plants & flowers outside I seem to have a bit of trouble getting them to live inside. Not enough light, not enough water, too much water.... just can't get the hang of houseplants. I need one of those Sun rooms that are attached to the house, I bet I could do it then! Wishful thinking there!!