Wednesday, November 14, 2007

Update on Red Socks...

Jasmine & I are having trouble sleeping so we thought we would take a few photos...

I will have to take more this weekend when I can get some good light, the flash just isn't showing the sock to it's full potential.
Click on the little photo, maybe it will get big enough for you to actually see the cables.

Even Jazzy thinks the yarn smells good!!! :)


Anonymous said...

Oh my... they're gorgeous so far! Are you cabling without a cable needle? Is the pattern difficult?

I'm having issues sleeping too, well.. I haven't really tried yet. I've been knitting, watching Smallville episodes..

I think Jazzy likes Kookaburra wool wash.. ;)

SissySees said...

Dang Blogger. It ate my comment.

The sock looks awesome. I think your inspector is even pleased!!

Mugsy and I were up for about an hour around 4am... that's pretty normal for me/us.

Marisol said...

hi anita
what is the book title and author, those socks look really cool.

mommieofdrew said...

I think Jazzy's twin lives in my house and her name is Daisy...actually when we adopted her from a family they told us Daisy was a boy...oops they were

Coarine said...

She does look like my Neko. You can check him ouot here

Have a good one!