Saturday, December 1, 2007

Orange Slice Tape Measure

I've been a little under the weather this week, so I haven't been real good at writing here or checking out my blog buddies sites... sorry guys!

I did get another tape measure done. It is supposed to look like an orange slice. Notice the artistic photo of the oranges where I placed my little tape measure in there.... makes it look more yummy I think. :) I'm planning on doing oranges, lemons, limes, pink grapefruit & anything else I can think of and find the time to do.....


Anonymous said...

Nice work! :) Hope you're feeling better soon!


P.S. Did you change your comment prefs? I can't input my info unless I'm anonymous because I don't have blogger/google.

Bubblesknits said...

That looks great! Very creative idea. I love mine and I will definitely be ordering more as gifts!