Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Defeat the Doldrums TOTW #5

If money were no object, and the day was just perfect - not to hot, not too cold, sun shining, slight breeze - how would you spend a perfect day out that had been given to you in the middle of a cold and blustery winter?

Well, we've had a couple of those already but I seem to spend them either at work or cleaning the house, etc....
But, if I had the day to myself I'd probably spend it outside on my swing knitting or reading a good book, with some plain ol' iced tea (like mine unsweetened). Of course this photo was taken last spring, there aren't any flowers out there right now....

And look! My daffodils are blooming!!! :) A sure sign of Spring around here!


Grace said...

I love daffodils, we won't see them here until April, although I may get some in the grocers by mid March!!! Enjoy them

gypsyknits said...

Oh what a lovely day to dream about. We won't see those days until May. Unsweetened tea? You bet! Knitting? Better yet! Go for it!

Anonymous said...

I love your swing, Anita! Thought I'd come over and check out your place again... yeah, I've lurked here before. As a matter of fact, I think it was after seeing your site that I went and got myself an Etsy account, though still have not spent much time there.

Thanks for your comment about the video.. I forgot all about it. Still sounding a little nasal, so I can't redo it just yet. I hope you read the notes, correcting the silly video flubs! I'll have to sit down for this thing at a normal hour, not really late at night, you know?

Have a great day!

KSee said...

how nice to see the daffs. Spring in a month and we are expecting another ice storm up here tomorrow.

Olga said...

Flowers? You have flowers! Arrrgghh!
We have 3 feet of frozen snow covering everything here.
I sure would kick back and hang with you, I like my ice tea unsweetened too!