Friday, April 4, 2008

Look what arrived!

Oooooooh, look what arrived Thursday from Kathy! My Knittin Chickens bag! Since I didn't win the Guess the # of Jelly Beans contest I went over to her etsy store, Gypsy Knits and bought myself one. Why? Well who could resist this? It makes me smile every time I look at it, silly chickens! :) And she included a little bag of goodies with flower seeds & chocolate! The flowers will last much longer than the chocolate did. *snicker*

And my Angry Day shirt arrived last week from Shirt Woot. I know, I look like a goober standing here, but I was having a lousy day on Thursday (and my darn grey hair is showing! UGH).... I wore it to my knitting group Thursday night, hoping it would cheer me up a little to advertise my bad day... Love the shirt but it did nothing for my mood that night. LOL

However, it's Friday evening & I'm off for the weekend! I'm feeling better now. Looking forward to getting a few things done around here the next 2 days... ripping up the kitchen floor for new, getting that back room organized (maybe! ha ha), and working on some stitch markers. Of course I'll be watching the NASCAR race on Sunday, Jr. has the poll, woohoo!!! :)

Hope everyone has a safe & fun weekend, & finds a little time to yourself to spin or knit or crochet a little. :)


Bubblesknits said...

I love those shirts! I definitely need one. LOL

And you do not look like a goober. :-)

Holly said...

I love to see what fellow bloggers look like. That is a fun bag.

Anonymous said...

Anita, you are so darn cute.. grey hair and all! :-) Love the shirt, and love knowing what you look like now! ;-) Of Course.. I love knowing you... :-)

KSee said...

Like the shirt. Gray hair? How much do I blow up the picture to see? Cute Chicken bag. marked her as a fav on etsy.