Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Whiskers on Wednesday

Jasmine got a package in the mail this week.... How great is that, addressed to her & everything! I wonder if my mail lady thought it was strange for "Jasmine the Cat" to get a package??? he he
The package was from Melissa & her helpers, Aven and Itty Bitty (kittys). Another DarnSock toy! Jasmine loved her first one so much I contacted Melissa & got another for her.
First she had to check it out......

But then she got down to some serious mouse play!

Of course Mommy got her exercise too, getting up to dig it out from it's hiding place under the table... I wonder why she chooses to play on this side of the table most times??? LOL I think she has figured out that Mommy will get those toys & mice out for her, over & over & over, etc....
After the DarnSock Mouse play it was time to play with Daddy's Key Mice....

And then it was time to put Mommy in her place & ignore her & the stupid camera... I guess the photo shoot is over.....

Hope everyone has a great Whiskers on Wednesday! Don't forget to check out the main WoW site to see the "Christian the Lion video" & get links to everyone else playing along with WoW.

Sunday, July 27, 2008

Twelve Years +

Happy Anniversary to US! The hubby & I.... This past Saturday was our 12 year wedding anniversary. (The + is for the year & a half we were together before we got married.)

It hasn't all been wonderful, and sometimes it's a lot of work, but aren't all relationships worth having that way?? In my opinion, if you live with someone for any length of time you're gonna have issues every once in a while... We've had good times & bad times, & while sometimes I think he is a constant pain in my butt, at least he is constant. LOL I'm sure he feels the same about me sometimes too. :)

After having said that... looking back on the past 13 & a half years, it has been totally worth it! I can't imagine not having him in my life, as my companion, as my support system, as my best friend, & I love him dearly.

Since money has been a bit tight around here lately we didn't have any fancy "to do" about it, however we did go out to dinner so neither of us would have to cook & we did exchange a small gift each. I had said something a while back about wanting a pedicure, and I complain constantly about my poor little feet hurting something awful in the evenings when I get home from work. (I don't have good feet to start with & the summer season at work has been taking a toll on the footsies.)

Soooooo..... instead of getting me a one time pedicure at a salon he was thoughtful enough to get me a personal foot spa..... If any of you have one of these you know what I mean when I say that it is a WONDERFUL little gadget! It isn't too noisy which I was very pleased about. You fill it with warm water, get you a little towel, then sit on the sofa & stick those tired tootsies in, heavenly! It also has some knobs & ridges that vibrate slightly & you can run your foot & heel across them, that feels better than heavenly! Oh, it also has a little compartment where you can put some aroma therapy oils or some bath salts, I put some peach scented epsom salt in it the first time & it was devine! And if I don't feel like getting up right away to empty the water, I just slide it over out of the way & grab it on my next trip to the little girls room or something. I was worried about the maintenance of it ruining the enjoyment of it, but it's simple, just dump the water out, take a quick swipe with a paper towel & it's done....

Thank you so much sweetie, it was a really thoughtful gift, & I can promise you, it will get plenty of use!! :)

Thursday, July 24, 2008

Crispy Critter???

Ok everyone, Grace is having a little contest. Here is her question:

When you are knitting and using metal needles like Addi's or Options and it starts to thunder and lightening to you put your knitting down? I do and pick up something on wooden needles and Tom thinks I am crazy. Everyone who answers my question will be entered into a drawing for prize (to be determined but with a minimum value of 10$ and knitting related) . Post the same question on your blog and I will give you an additional entry as long as you tell me where to look. I will take entries until Sunday the 27th and pick a winner on Monday the 28th .

To be honest, I've never even thought of this before. And here I sit happily knitting away with my beloved Knitpicks Options metal needles while it storms away outside. I'll take my chances, I can't stand wooden/bamboo needles. :)
Now you all have to go over to Grace's blog to enter the contest.... and you really should go on over to Chan's blog & read the comments, Jessi is just too funny! Crispy Critter indeed!

Wednesday, July 23, 2008

I'm getting the FULL EFFECT now!

Talk about HEATWAVE!!! Now I get it! I know it has been extremely HOT here for a couple of days but hey, I've got AC right? WRONG!!! Our AC at the office went out this morning... it's a nice cool 90 degrees in here right now, refreshing huh? UGH!

I do work at a "beachy" business so we have guys who work outside on the docks & boats all summer, and I do have to go outside some but when it gets this hot (heat index the past couple of days has been 105 or higher) & humid I tend to find more things that need to be done inside... I'm AC spoiled. I can't complain, how would that make me look to the guys who work in this hot, sticky heat every day???!!!! More power to ya! I want my AC back!!! :P
While I was trying to find a breeze around here I snapped a couple of photos.... can you see how hazy it is? The photo doesn't show it much.... See the little blip in the left hand sky? That is one of our Parasails over at the beach, taking someone for a ride up high this afternoon! :) I bet they are getting a breeze up there!

And here is a shot in the other direction, the waterway.... Everything looks so green and the water so wet... it just doesn't convey the HOTNESS!

Hope everyone is having a good COOL Wednesday!

Whiskers on Wednesday

Whew! All that mousing was exhausting!
Back to doing what I do best..... napping!
Dat kama fash wok mez up Mommiez!
Limited camera time this past week, too much napping on my part! SNOL!! Sooooo, this is what you get. Gotta be diligent & quick to catch her doing something other than this.

Don't forget to check out all the other kittys & their humans on the WoW site!

Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Casting On...

Looks like another WIP to me.... how bout you??

Is this one destined to become another UFO? Lost in the bottom of a basket or bag never to be seen again.... Only time will tell. I can tell you that there are a million stitches in this thing it seems! And on size 3 needles! However it is knitted in the round so I am doing the front & back at the same time. It is supposed to end up being this Tank Top from Drops Design. I did go up a size in needles, I'm hoping that doing that & knitting the small size will be the size I want. The small was just a bit too small, but the medium was too big... we'll see.

I've had this Pattons Grace, Peacock, yarn in my stash for what seems like forever. The camera flash is making it overly bright.... it is bright but I think the photo is a bit brighter than the real thing...

Stay tuned for Whiskers on Wednesday tomorrow!!

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Whiskers on Wednesday


WooHoo! I finally caught Jazzy in an action shot! I told you that she did more than just lay around looking pretty. SNOL

Although she does that laying around looking pretty really well.....

Here is my Princess playing with her new Sock Mouse toy sent to her by Alaina. :) I've had to dig it out from under the coffee table about 40 times since Sunday already! LOL She grabs it with her front paws, bites it & claws it with her back paws, then tosses it in the air & proceeds to attack it again... eventually it ends up under that darn table or under the sofa. She has been having a blast with it though, even though Mommy is getting a workout getting up to dig it out for her every 2 minutes during play time....

Awaina, fank u vury mch, I wuv me nu mouz!!

Don't forget to go check out all the other furbabies over at WoW!

Have a great Wednesday!!

Sunday, July 13, 2008

Secret Project #4

Looks like Barbara got her Keepin Cool Swap package from me today, yeah! I'm always relieved when they arrive at their destination. Unfortunately I was a total scatterbrain this time & forgot to include some extra goodies that I had bought at the beginning of the swap, so there is a second package on it's way to her now.

Anyhoo... to recap my Secret Agent Knitting:

Secret Project #1 was Mary's birthday cloths & towel

Secret Project #2 is on it's way to a yarn company and I can't reveal that one till the company gives me the go ahead. But don't worry, I'll post it as soon as I can!

Secred Project #3 is still on the needles (Chan knows that this one will be a belated birthday surprise, I was bad & sent her a yarn sample that said "This is a WIP, IOU a FO!")

Secret Project #4 was Barbara's cloths for the Keepin Cool Dishcloth Exchange, and here they are! I've done both of these before & I really enjoy the easy lace patterns. They are pretty but knit up really quick! Both of these are free patterns at the Dishcloth Botique. Lacy Mock Cable & Baby Fern Stitch

Further Secret projects will be in the works soon! Stay tuned for the next mystery!

Saturday, July 12, 2008

12 Days Left!

Hey! There are only 12 days left to enter Monica's 1000'th Post contest! Get over there, say hi & enter! And as a bonus, scroll around on Monica's blog & you get to meet cutie pie Henry! :)

Keepin Cool Swap Package

I received my Keepin Cool Swap Package from Alaina P. And what a package it is!! Alaina put together a totally awesome package full of items picked especially for me.

This first shot is of the entire package, just look at all those goodies! Somehow the little melon scented candle turned up missing for the photo. I think it jumped into my candle holder on my way to the porch to take photos. :)

Now for the close up shots so you can see all the pretties..... Here are two of the cloths Alaina sent. Black & white to match my kitchen. I just love them, got one hanging by the sink as I type.
And here is the "watermelon" cloth, and a "Darn Socks" mouse toy for Jasmine. The mouse tag says "I'm just an old holey sock, filled with organic catnip, recycled crinkly plastic, pistachio shells, and wool lint stuffing. Your cat will love me." Jazzy loves her new toy, I'm trying to get a photo of her playing with it. Maybe I'll be able to catch her with it by the time for the WoW post next week. :)
Here is the yummy bath goodness that came in the package, Cucumber Melon shower gel, lotion & body spray. And it is indeed yummy, I used it all last night.... the hubby said I smelled good enough to eat. SNOL!
And there was plenty of yarney goodness in the package as well. I love the colors of the cotton and the Suri Merino is heavenly soft. And just look at that awesome yarn bag! It has a little hole in each end to feed your yarn through so you can use it while knitting, so cool!
Here are the yummy treats that were included. Some fruit flavored Twizzlers, Jolly Rancher gummies, and a great water bottle with an ice insert to keep the Crystal Lite she included cold. I think I need to modify my water bottle pattern and make one to fit this baby....
And last but not least, here is the pattern book that I actually did not have which is amazing, some purple note cards & note pad and a couple of pretty post cards.Thank you so much Alaina! It truly is an awesome package, and all of it will be put to good use! I love all of it!! :)

Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Whiskers on Wednesday

I'm late with my post again! I really need to start doing these Tuesday evening & save it, so I can post them at a decent time on Wednesday.

Without further ado.... here is her Highness perched on another of her favorite places, the coffee table. This way we can't miss seeing her when watching TV in the evenings. I guess she thinks we should be watching her instead. SNOL!! She rotates between laying on the table & walking back & fourth on top of mine & the hubby's laps. "Pay me some attention! Not the stupid TV!"

Don't forget to check out the WoW site, cutie pie Oribel is the featured feline this week. And there is a bunch of links there so you can check out everyone's furbabies.

Tuesday, July 8, 2008

Meme Lite...

I saw this on Mary's & Chan's blogs so I thought I'd play along.....

Rules:You must answer the questions using only one word & Tag four others.

1. Where is your cell phone? Table

2. Your significant other? snoring

3. Your hair? Shorter

4. Your mother? Strong

5. Your father? Complex

6. Your favorite thing? Quiet

7. Your dream last night? ???

8. Your favorite drink? Diet Mt. Dew

9. Your dream/goal? retirement

10. The room you’re in? Living

11. Your hobby? knitting

12. Your fear? Bugs

13. Where do you want to be in 6 years? alive

14. What you’re not? Mother

15. Muffins? Banana Nut

16. One of your wish list items? Photoshop

17. Where you grew up? NC

18. The last thing you did? eat

19. What are you wearing? Tshirt

20. Favorite gadget? PocketPC

21. Your pets? family

22. Your computer? Dell

23. Your mood? Tired

24. Missing someone? Yes

25. Your car? Blazer

26. Something you’re not wearing? Shoes

27. Favorite store? book

28. Like someone? Several

29. Your favorite color? Purple

30. When is the last time you laughed? Today

31. Last time you cried? Weekend

It says to tag four others, so four (or more) of you, play along and let me know!

Sunday, July 6, 2008

We had a visit

Remember this little girl? My new niece, Mocha (Australian Sheppard)....
She came for her first visit yesterday! With my sister & older niece. :) Poor thing was sick & had to spend a week at the vet's office when she first came to live with her new family. But she is doing great now, all puppy. Isn't she just beautiful?!
And here is a teaser shot of Secret Project #2 getting a bath. Sorry, that's all I can show you. :P

Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Doing What She Does Best...

I wouldn't say that Jasmine was cooperative this week with the photos, since I kept sneaking photos while she was napping. At least she wasn't running away.

Here is a photo of her evening napping place on top of the sofa...
Then she got another bath last Saturday, here she is a little damp still, sitting in one of her favorite spots in the window, licking herself dry. As you can see, she definitely wasn't going to grace me with a face shot...Then on Sunday when she is usually taking her afternoon nap under the bed or under the covers on the bed, she napped on the sofa with us. I guess the bath on Saturday was stressful & she was feeling a little needy on Sunday. :) She looks so sweet curled up on the cushion....