Wednesday, July 2, 2008

Doing What She Does Best...

I wouldn't say that Jasmine was cooperative this week with the photos, since I kept sneaking photos while she was napping. At least she wasn't running away.

Here is a photo of her evening napping place on top of the sofa...
Then she got another bath last Saturday, here she is a little damp still, sitting in one of her favorite spots in the window, licking herself dry. As you can see, she definitely wasn't going to grace me with a face shot...Then on Sunday when she is usually taking her afternoon nap under the bed or under the covers on the bed, she napped on the sofa with us. I guess the bath on Saturday was stressful & she was feeling a little needy on Sunday. :) She looks so sweet curled up on the cushion....


Crazy For Yarn In Alabama said...

What a beauty Jasmine is!! Love the pic of her napping on the top of the sofa!!

Bubblesknits said...

Our cats like sleeping on the back of our couch, too. What's really funny is when they roll over...and off. *snicker*

gypsyknits said...

One of my cats "own" the back of the couch. Just try to put your arm up there and you'll find out in one swat who owns it.

Now what made you think she was going to give you a nice mug shot after you bathed her? uummpppfff! LOL

SissySees said...

Good of you to purchase a sofa that compliments Jaz's coloring!

vegasangelbrat said...

Still think she is grogeous!! Love the photo's..make sure yo give her lots of love for me!!

Have a Happy and Safe 4th.

KSee said...

sweet girl. Bathing not a problem?

Lapdog Creations said...

I have to agree with Chan on the sofa!

Anonymous said...

She looks so peaceful...

~Keepin' Cool Swap Pal