Saturday, August 16, 2008

Saturday Projects....

I have been knitting on my Ravelympics projects, I've cast on for my second Mitt Envy.... I'm on the 5th repeat (of 12) on my Tidal Streams scarf.... but I also worked on a few other projects today.

First let me show you my porch rocking chairs & table. This first photo you can see the table is done, it's had a new coat of cherry stain. The rocking chair shows what sad shape these are in. We've had them for about 8 or 9 years. I did put a coat of poly on them when I first got them, but after that many years there just isn't any protection left....
And this second photo shows the chair that I got finished today. As you can see, the second chair is still awaiting it's coat of stain.... that can wait for another weekend. This is a lot of work! And I refuse to spend my whole weekend "working"! :) Got to have some knitting time ya know!
Now let me show you my new homespun yarn! Just look at all that yarn on one bobbin!!! That is a full 7 oz. of fiber. I'm sure that I would have gotten all 8 oz. on there but as you can see one of my bobbins had a bit more single on it than the other did. I believe I got a little better at my spinning and the second bobbin had a little more on there than the first one did. And I know I'm getting better at my drafting, I ended up with 275 yards of yarn!!! That is before it's bath & setting. I'm thinking that I'll gain a little more yardage after that. So this time I got approx. 150 yards out of 4 oz. of fiber. The last time I did 4 ounces I only got about 80 or 90 yards! I would still classify this as a worsted weight yarn, even though some parts are a little thicker and some are a little thinner. I can see myself spinning some sport weight yarn soon! Yeah! Hopefully tomorrow I'll give this new homespun a quick wash, then I just have to figure out what to knit with it!


SissySees said...

You know you can ply that leftover using both ends, right? You'll have to wind it into a center-pull ball, and then ply from the inside and the outside. Heaven knows if I managed it, you can!! ;)

Bubblesknits said...

Yeah, what Chan said. ;-) It looks gorgeous!!! Your staining job looks pretty, too.

vegasangelbrat said...

Great job on the staining!! I probably have to hit my set out back. We haven't had it as long as you have had yours but with this sun out here..geesh, surprised it aint caught fire

Pretty fiber..good job and I'm lost with all that spinner talk :(

Keep it up, let me know when your

KSee said...

your front porch looks like a great place to hang out. What a change the stain makes.

Your new yarn is so pretty. And you just started months ago!

Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Aaaaaaaaaaaaa I love that homespun!!!