Friday, November 7, 2008

The Stairs Won!

I got a booboo at work this morning.... here is a little tidbit for you, make sure your fingers are out of the way when shutting the attic stairs!


And here is a finished shot of the kitchen floor finally! I love it! We did an awesome job if I do say so myself. Now we just need to save up a little $ so we can get new baseboards up. The next project will be putting beadboard on the kitchen walls.... I'm just glad that I finally have a kitchen floor!

Hope everyone has a great weekend!!


Barbara B. Solbrig said...

It is beautiful! Congrats on the new floor!
Be more careful with those fingers. You need them to cater to Jazzy's every whim!

Bubblesknits said...

Ouch! That doesn't look like it felt good. :-( The floor looks fabulous, though!

KSee said...

Oh, that hurt! Your floor is fantastic, great job. We have a Habitat for Humanity store here where people and builders donate stuff they took out of houses and resell at really low prices. Look around for something like that in your area.

NH Knitting Mama said...

That came out awesome!

Sorry about your fingers. ick.

Anonymous said...

Ouchie is right; that looks painful - I hope it heals up quickly for you, or at least stops throbbing, as I'm sure it is! The floor looks great!

Robin said...

The floor looks GREAT! But...your finger~~I think I would have said "&^&#%%#&*%#$#&!"

SissySees said...

LOVE the floor. Hope your finners are feeling better this week.

(No wonder you didn't feel like knitting or being online over the weekend!)

gypsyknits said...

OUCH! That hurts. I guess no knitting or typing is going on down there. How 'bout Jazzy? Is she getting pets? :)

Hope it heals quick!
Floor looks beautiful. One job down, how many more? LOL

Anonymous said...

Oh WOW...your new kitchen tile is GORGEOUS!!! Your finger...not so much...hee. I hope Jazzy "kissed" the pain away...