Saturday, January 10, 2009

What have I been doing you ask?

Sorry it's been so long since I posted.... first the holidays, then I got sick (my dang nose is still stopped up & running, I don't think I'm ever gonna be able to breathe through it again.), then.......

Here's what I've been doing..... painting the kitchen walls!

I came home from work Tuesday evening to find the hubby putting up the beadboard on the kitchen walls. His job description in this house is "construction", my job description is "painter". Sooooo, I've been painting. I've got the whole wall by the sink painted now, and I have to say that it's looking really good. And let me just say that while beadboard is really pretty, it's a pain in the butt to paint! All those little grooves, got to get paint in them, very time consuming! And now that I've got fresh white paint on the walls it makes my cabinets look dingy. I'll have to put a new coat of paint on those too. I'm pretty sure it's a never ending job!

I've also had some fiber goodies come in the mail this week.... and I've started on my Super Starr yarn. (Starr is my childhood BFF's baby kitty.) Stay tuned for more posts on all that!

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


NH Knitting Mama said...

Anita, your kitchen looks gorgeous! Great job!

We have bead board in our house, too. The second room we put it in, we bought the pre-painted kind. Best extra money we could have spent! ha ha...

Miss you!

SissySees said...

I think you and Mr. Construction need to plan on spending every long weekend of 2009 with your VA friends. ;) It looks great!

Anonymous said...

Wow! Your kitchen looks great!

What is this Super Starr yarn you speak of?

Bubblesknits said...

Bead board is evil stuff when painting. My parents had some in their first house that I helped paint when they got ready to move. Ugh. The kitchen is looking great, btw!

Hope your nose opens up! Lean over that paint can a little and that should do the trick. lol

gypsyknits said...

You and your hubby did a fantastic job! Beautiful!