Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Monica has challenged us again... The Declutter Challenge - Spring Cleaning. I'm still working on my Throw Out 50 Things, hopefully that will be finished up by the end of February. Then in March & April I'll work on the Spring Cleaning Challenge. I need this really bad! I'm tired of the house being a mess & I want it cleaned up!! And I want it decluttered!! I've held on to waaaaaay too much stuff for sentimental reasons for too long. I'm getting rid of it! Our house is just too small to have so much "stuff".

Head on over & sign up if you want to join in & declutter your life!
Just a little tidbit on something I did in the past to help with the clutter. I love to read, and I read a lot of books. But if I read a good book I just hate to get rid of it. So I'm not a good library or trade-in book store candidate. When we moved here to the coast, we bought a much smaller house than what we had... the books were overflowing everywhere here. So I HAD to get rid of a lot of them. Finally I found Fictionwise, and ebooks! I use a Dell Pocket PC to read them on. You can also read them on your computer/laptop if you want. So now I buy all of my new books in ebook form. The only hardback/paperback books that I let myself buy are my Nora Roberts books (I'm only about 20 books short of having everything that she has published!!). Me & my books are happy now. I can have as many as I want & they take up no space in the house!! :)


Knitting it Out in an Urban Zoo said...

Great idea! I love books too. I have been working on which ones I can part with.

I have found some online swaps for paperbacks which is cool too.

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I have Audible and download books on my mp3 to listen to I also check out books on cd from the library to listen to in the car.I need a bigger book shelf for my knitting books though any ideas?((((Hugs))) Darcy

SissySees said...

I looked at the Kindle yesterday on Amazon, and if I hadn't just spent about the same amount at the vet, it's a GREAT idea... I suppose I could jump on into Fictionwise now, and store all my books on one thumb drive?

gypsyknits said...

I signed up for the spring cleaning thing too. Now to get off here and get busy. LOL