Sunday, March 29, 2009

Finished Yarn!

Here it is, my finished yarn! Even though I can't (shouldn't) be knitting or crocheting at the moment, I'm enjoying my spinning wheel. I can do that without involving my thumb too much. :)
I finished plying the hand dyed 100% merino wool from Creatively Dyed Yarn, that I got from Chan for Christmas.

Would you just look at that HUGE bobbin full of yarn! I got all 8 oz. of fiber on there! Can I get a Woot Woot for the huge Heavenly Handspinning bobbins?! LOL

I ended up with approx. 480 yards of yarn, it should be just a little over that by my calculations. It's in the sink taking a bath at the moment, I'll take finished photos of my big skein of yarn once it dries. Turned out really pretty I think, all soft purpley & pink. :) Thanks Chan, I had so much fun spinning this up.

Now..... on to more fiber! Once my thumb heals up I'll have tons of new yarn to knit with!


Robin said...


NH Knitting Mama said...

Wow, that is awesome! I like your bobbin holder, too!

SissySees said...

Wow that's pretty! Too bad I don't have any of my own to spin - oh... wait... but I do. I just need to get spinning!

Lapdog Creations said...


Bubblesknits said...

Oh my Lord, that's beautiful! Great job!