Look Chan, I'm plying the fiber you sent finally!! :)
I have started spinning again like a mad woman. I've developed an odd injury.... a knitting injury! My right thumb has gone numb. This happened when I was trying to finish up my secret required knitting. I was using size 3 needles & knitting like crazy to get the thing done. I'm hoping that I've just bruised it or something. It's numb, but also sore & when I use it, it hurts. And sometimes I get a sharp pain, sometimes I get a tingly pain... So I'm forcing myself to not knit or crochet for about 2 weeks to see if it will get better. Which really sucks cause I have cast on a really cute pair of quick knit socks & was really wanting to get them finished. :(
Hope everyone is having a great weekend!
Well aren't you crafty one? Very resourceful and I'm impressed:).
Be careful if the DH makes a knitting/spinning object, that's what my DH was doing when he had the saw duel. And you know you won that fight(:-.
Hope that thumb improves soon so you can get back to your knitting.
I want your clever mind. You can make anything!!
I know what you mean. My carpal tunnel is acting up something awful after I busted out the upper part of that sweater in two days. Then to have to rip it out...UGH! Hope your thumb gets better soon!
Isn't it great to use crafty things for your spinning! :)
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