Monday, June 29, 2009

What a MESS!

Well, I've been super busy at work... not a lot of free time to keep up with everyone like I want to... and not enough time to do the fun stuff that I want to do. But I did get a couple of dishcloths done. This is another Victorian Labyrinth cloth & a Mitered dishcloth.
And while I was on the porch taking photos of the cloths, this little guy came to visit the bird feeder. Well, I guess you could call it a bird/squirrel feeder since both use it. He comes most every day for a visit & a snack. I've got another photo of him that I'll save for Wednesday. :)And I thought that since the squirrel had been on the feeder, maybe I needed to put some more birdseed in there... here is where the MESS comes in. This is what happens when you are carrying your bird seed bucket through the house & your seed bucket is dry rotted & the handle breaks off! UGH!I sure hope the birds don't mind a little cat hair in their food! The squirrel didn't seem to mind. LOL


Lapdog Creations said...

Now that's a mess!!! But what CUTE pics!!!!!!

SissySees said...

UGH!!!!! That's awful. And if the birds mind, I bet the squirrel won't.

Bubblesknits said...

Sounds like a job for the shop vac. lol

gypsyknits said...

OH dear heavens! What a MESS! How long did it take to clean that up? I bet Miss Jazzy took a scram.

Love the cloths. The colors are pretty:).

AlisonH said...

Oh oops!