Sunday, July 5, 2009

Diva Kitty!

LOL, bet you thought I was talking about Princess Jasmine. While "Diva" fits her to a T, I'm talking about this adorable Diva Kitty Sock-It Bag that I got from Kathy. Check out her shop, she makes the greatest Sock-It Bags, beautiful yarn & now she even has gorgeous hand-dyed spinning fiber!

Along with the most adorable project bag she also sent along a sample spinning batt with pretty aqua/yellow fiber, sparkles & bits of denim. A note pad, a sweet card & some euclann wash.And I now have Mini Sweet Peas in my store. For anyone who would like a smaller version of my regular Sweet Peas.
Hope everyone had a great July 4th weekend!


Bubblesknits said...

I love Kathy's bags, too. :-) I just got a brown one with butterflies on it.

Glad you had a good 4th!

SissySees said...

I love the "two peas in a pod" markers you gave me. Use them all the time...

And of COURSE I thought you were talking about Jaz!

Lapdog Creations said...

Kathy's bags are absolutely wonderful, aren't they? Love that kitty fabric!

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

I love the Bees and thankyou for the pencil and the extra cute stitch marker:)We leave for 2 weeks July 12th to Montana to visit my hubbies family we are having a nice summer.(((Hugs))))Darcy

Robin said...

When I saw the title I DID think you were talking about Jasmine!

Oooooh, I love that fiber!!

gypsyknits said...

Thank you:) Thought I left a proper thank you last week but apparently I didn't. We all know Princess Jazzy IS the real Diva. LOL
Love the sweet peas.