Saturday, September 5, 2009

A great day...

Have I told you guys lately how great of a boss I have? Capt. Brant took my boys & I fishing today. It couldn't have been a more beautiful day. Flat seas, mid 80's temps, nice breeze & a few bites.

Here's our new Marine with his nice sized king mackerel. He released him after the short photo shoot.Here is Brant pulling the hooks out of one of the fish we caught. I caught a small shark & one small king that we kept for dinner tomorrow night & we released the rest. We had a few bites that got away too.

Thanks again Brant, it was a great day. We had a lot of fun & it'll make a nice memory after our Marine leaves next Tuesday for more training.

Hope everyone is having a great weekend!


SissySees said...

What a great boss! I'm glad y'all had great weather and caught a few.

Bubblesknits said...

Very great boss! Wish I could be there to have a bite of shark. Haven't had that in forever! :-)

Grace said...

Anita, the fishing pictures look so cool,

You won the contest, go to my blog and make your pick!!! I am excited for you and thank you for entering!!!


gypsyknits said...

Wonderful boss! Glad you all had a good time.

Ioana said...

What a great... fish :). And boss, of course.

Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

Thankyou for your encouragement it means alot to me it was really hard for me to post my pictures I was ashamed to show how I look how I let myself go.
I have lost 10 pounds since July 28 but I still feel hungry and tired and cranky sometimes I dream about salty fries and special sauce;)
My 42nd birthday is next month and I want to weight 147 I'm at 151 right now and my goal weight is 135 by next Summer.Hugs Darcy

KSee said...

What a wonderful way to spend the day. How nice that you are so near the water and have a good boss to take you all out. Goot shot of the marine with his catch.