Here are two lovelies that I picked up at Kathy's Shop. This first one is Golden Harvest BFL, it's not as bright as the photo, it's getting darker by the time I get home now & is not conductive to good photo taking.... so flash it is.
This is Holly-Daze BFL....
And sweet Kathy included a couple of BFL samples in my package too. :)
Then Chan & Kathy went to the Shenandoah Fiber Fest & got me a surprise since I was pouting about not being able to attend...
(Couldn't resist posting the stolen from Chan photo... I know how much Kathy loves seeing her face on our blogs, ROFLMBO!!!!)
When I got home today I had this yummy stuff waiting on me. It's the most beautiful lavender Angora fiber! Not sure if it's mixed with anything, surely it is, but it's incredibly soft! I think Jazzy was jealous of me petting & snuggling the fiber. LOL
So now the decision is.... which one to spin first?! I told Kathy & Chan that I need about 20 extra bobbins for my wheel so I can start on all of my fiber at once! :)
The weekend is almost here, hope everyone has a great one!