It was a painful lesson, but I won't forget it any time soon. And I won't be purchasing any more 100% bamboo any time soon either.
Poor Jazzy had to make her yearly trip to the vet's office on Friday. There was no way I could get her in the carrier & take photos at the same time. It was quite the fur flying fight. And to add insult to injury I snapped this photo of her pittiful pouty face in the carrier after it was all over.
After much pittiful crying in the car we arrived at the vet office, where she behaved so sweetly. Making the frazzled, fur covered woman who brought her in look like a total nut case. The vet gave her a clean bill of health & said that if he hadn't looked at her chart first he would have never guessed that she was 9.5 years old. We saw a new vet working in our vet's office now, I really liked him. I don't think Jazzy was real impressed though. LOL
When we got home she had to inspect every inch of the house to make sure nothing had changed. And she fussed at me the whole time. I guess she was telling me that she wasn't happy about our little trip. :)
She is back to her normal self now & doesn't seem to be holding a grudge against me for the whole episode.
Those of you who know me, know how much I love to cook. NOT! So, I thought maybe, just maybe wearing this cute apron would make it more fun when I do have to cook. And since I'll be cooking quite a bit on Wednesday & Thursday it made sense to buy my little treat now. I got the last one of the "Queen of Fabulousness" aprons, because hey - I am Fabulous right? LOL, but we have more HERE if you are interested in checking them out.
Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend!
the bamboo is nice even if it was hard work my husband should get the apron that says King of Fabulousness since he is the cook!!!
Have a wonderful Thanksgiving
I've tried bamboo before, too. I gave up after the 5th or 6th time of it flying out of my hands. Yours looks awesome, though, so you did something right! :-)
Give Jazzy some love for me. Mean mama making her go to the vet. ;-)
Aww poor Jazzy. Henry is quite the same about getting in the carrier, and crying in the car. But he then cowers at the vet and tries to hide (by snuggling into me). I'm glad Jasmine isn't holding a grudge.
Odd that bamboo is nice to knit with... too bad it sucks to spin.
What a pretty, shiny little sample you have to remind you of the effort and trouble...
Poor Jaz. What a life she suffers with you - NOT! I'm glad she got a clean bill of health.
Love the apron. You'll have to report back and let us know if it works!
That is pretty yarn and the story just sent me 2 steps back from the edge of desire. :D
Love apron. Beau tries to hide behind me at the vet - at least Jazzy behaves once she gets there!
Anita, that little bamboo ball is gorgeous! Love the apron, too. Fun!
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