Saturday, December 5, 2009


Look, I have yarn listed in my shop!  Ok, so it's not real yarn. They are little clay Mini Yarn Skeins.

I have a set of Soft Colors

And a set of Bold Colors

Hope everyone is having a great weekend! If you're not getting any snow like me, head on over to Kathy's blog, she posted a photo of her pretty snow....


Darcys Knotty Knitter said...

They are so pretty I love them:) Hugs Darcy

Bubblesknits said...

Those look great! Just like little mini skeins! I love how you did the stripes.

NH Knitting Mama said...

Fun markers! Can't wait to see what you're planning for the spring!

gMarie said...

Those are stinking adorable! I love them. :) g

Crochet Goddess said...

they are so cute. love them they look great.

SissySees said...

How friggin' cute are those?! You are so creative and talented girl!

Lapdog Creations said...

LOVE those... LOVE!!!

gypsyknits said...

Hey! I know my blog reading has been no hiatus but you didn't tell me about these......awesome! I love 'em.