Saturday, August 27, 2011

No Big Deal

We didn't get blown away by Hurricane Irene, thank goodness!  Truthfully I slept through the worst of it last night. We got a lot of rain & some really strong winds. We were lucky though & only had some minor limbs down in the yard, nothing major, nothing that could hurt anything. Keeping my fingers crossed that everyone else in it's path fares as well.

Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes last week! I got a surprise package from my friend Grace. She sent a couple little friends along to keep me company. :)  Aren't they cuties? Thank you so much Grace! It really made my day to get that package in the mail.

I got myself a great birthday present! LOL. My Comb & Hackle set came from Blue Mountain Handcrafts. They are beautiful, Eric does an amazing job! And a bit dangerous looking too. The whole family got into it & decorated the package for my birthday. he he

Beth & Katie made these awesome covers for my tools too!!!

Thank you Beth, Eric, Alex & Katie!!

Here is what I've been combing, and I've only poked myself once with them. :)

Hope everyone has a great weekend!



Grace said...

I am so glad you liked your present and that you had a happy birthday!!!!

Delusional Knitter said...

Glad to hear you fared well. We got a lot of rain, some water in the basement, but nothing the wet vac couldn't handle. Those combed worked great, wow!

vegasangelbrat said...

Glad Irene didn't blow you guys away!!!
I'll say Happy Birthday to you now cause I know I will forget! lol Get so busy sometimes I don't know if I'm coming or
Great goodies you got too :)

SissySees said...

Wonderful birthday goodies!! Are you coming up or do I need to send a box... ??

Tainted Fibers said...

Yay for no major damage and double yay for your tools! I am drooling!

Bubblesknits said...

Awesome birthday present! I've thought about ordering some of those but I'm a little intimidated. lol Glad you're safe and sound. Hope you had a great birthday!

Lapdog Creations said...

Awesome birthday goodies!!!