Thursday, October 29, 2009

Decisions, decisions....

Goodness, I got so many lovely goodies the past couple of days I don't know which one to do first!

Here are two lovelies that I picked up at Kathy's Shop. This first one is Golden Harvest BFL, it's not as bright as the photo, it's getting darker by the time I get home now & is not conductive to good photo taking.... so flash it is.

This is Holly-Daze BFL....

And sweet Kathy included a couple of BFL samples in my package too. :)

Then Chan & Kathy went to the Shenandoah Fiber Fest & got me a surprise since I was pouting about not being able to attend...

(Couldn't resist posting the stolen from Chan photo... I know how much Kathy loves seeing her face on our blogs, ROFLMBO!!!!)

When I got home today I had this yummy stuff waiting on me. It's the most beautiful lavender Angora fiber! Not sure if it's mixed with anything, surely it is, but it's incredibly soft! I think Jazzy was jealous of me petting & snuggling the fiber. LOL

So now the decision is.... which one to spin first?! I told Kathy & Chan that I need about 20 extra bobbins for my wheel so I can start on all of my fiber at once! :)

The weekend is almost here, hope everyone has a great one!


SissySees said...

I'm gonna' have to see if Kathy will dye more of the Holly colorway...

Lapdog Creations said...

Gorgeous fiber - I esp love that 2nd one!

Bubblesknits said...

Oooh....Kathy, did you hear Chan? More Holly Daze colorway is needed! lol

What are you thinking of making with the lovely purple?

gypsyknits said...

Hey! About that picture..........LOL

The angora is mixed with merino but isn't it the softest stuff you've ever petted?

Ok girls, I hear ya. I'll be dyeing up the Holly-Daze this week.