Nothing new on the spinning front
(for my Secret Pal), not enough time in a day!!! Somehow I just keep running out of it! I get up in the morning, go to work... get off around 5, come home, do the dinner thing, check email, etc.... next thing I know it's bedtime! And that's usually 11 or 12! The work day seems to creep by but my evenings keep flying by before I have time to even blink, where does all the time go anyway?
I do have a little knitting done, here is a photo -

Sorry guys, that's all I can show you! :P It's a secret project, as a matter of fact I have 2 secret projects going. One of them is so top secret I can't even show you the stitches. Secret Agent Knitter, that's me! LOL I promise to post photos as soon as I can divulge evidence.

Tomorrow is
Wiskers on Wensday! It will be our very first one! Thanks to
Jessi &
Monica for getting it all going & setting up a great looking site. All of you that are owned by a cat or cats need to go over & check out the blog & join up. Our katty version of Dogs on Thursday..... Stay tuned, so far all Jazzy has shown my camera the past couple of days is her butt! SNOL
Thanks for the plug! Hope you have more than butt photos to show tomorrow! Can't wait to see!
Cute idea for the cat folks!
I TOTALLY know what you're saying about the days just slipping by - you and I are on the same schedule. Makes if frustrating to get things done for the shop.
It's WoW Wednesday... Where's the Princess Jasamine?
That's okay. I used a picture of Puss' butt in my post. LOL That's what she gets for pointing it at me when I'm trying to take her picture.
Thanks for the comment. I have a couple of your tape measures. But, you'd never know that because I had my husband buy them...he's the one with a paypal account. The knitting looks good, even if it is a secret. And I think I should be checking out some of those stitch markers on your side bar.
Love the little peek, its beautiful from what I can see!! Reminds me of icing on the trim of a
Cant' wait to see what it is your keeping secret!
What a great idea...whiskers on wednesday. I'll go check it out (I've got three of them)...
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