The hubby & I are now the proud parents of a United States Marine. Or will be once he graduates boot camp. Our USMC Recruit left this afternoon on a bus headed for Paris Island, SC. 

There were some tears on our part, he was excited & a bit nervous being the first time he's left home. He's all grown up now. We are very proud of him, but we're gonna miss him terribly!! I have a few cards, but I think I need to stop somewhere & purchase myself some real stationary for all the letter writing I'm gonna be doing over the summer. And believe me, he will appreciate the letters even though he won't have much time for writing them back. I still remember how wonderful it was to get letters from family & friends when I was in his position...
Now if I can just figure out what to do with myself this evening.... I'm feeling a bit at loose ends at the moment. I don't much feel like knitting or reading or napping. Nervous energy I suppose.
Hope everyone has a good week this week!!
UPDATE! - I heard from our recruit just a short time ago. It was about 10 seconds of him reading/yelling the script they gave him. He is there safe & sound. He didn't sound upset though, so that's a good sign. I'll keep my fingers crossed, say a few extra prayers & hope to get a letter from him soon...
Oh wow, I didn't even realize you had a son going into the Marines, my Uncle was a Marine, he was on Iwo Jima, the radio officer not one of the flag guys but there none the less!!! Wish your boy well for me!
Congratulations you must be very proud of him:)Hugs Darcy
Congrats! I just wonder if he and "Snowplow" will cross paths down there...??
You must be very proud! Hugs to both of you!
SO PROUD. Congrats to your family!
Boy, that brings back memories for me. It was 1963 when my 17 yr old boyfriend joined the USMC and went to Parris Island. I think he then went to Camp Lejeune & then Camp Pendleton CA before he went to Vietnam. When he came home we got married. Just out of HS and then a wife.
I wish him all the best and I know how much you will miss him.
Oh, congratulations! I know you're proud of him and miss him terribly all at the same time!
Congrats! I hope all goes smoothly! Let us know if you need anything.
Congratulations, I know you guys are so proud. I'll say a prayer for him everynight to keep him safe and sound.
I'll keep him in my thoughts. Congratulations to all of you!
Pass the Puffs:). Congratulations! I know you're proud and you should be. Tell him we're thinking of him.
congrats, mom and dad!
Oorah, grunt! :)
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