It hasn't all been wonderful, and sometimes it's a lot of work, but aren't all relationships worth having that way?? In my opinion, if you live with someone for any length of time you're gonna have issues every once in a while... We've had good times & bad times, & while sometimes I think he is a constant pain in my butt, at least he is constant. LOL I'm sure he feels the same about me sometimes too. :)
After having said that... looking back on the past 13 & a half years, it has been totally worth it! I can't imagine not having him in my life, as my companion, as my support system, as my best friend, & I love him dearly.
Since money has been a bit tight around here lately we didn't have any fancy "to do" about it, however we did go out to dinner so neither of us would have to cook & we did exchange a small gift each. I had said something a while back about wanting a pedicure, and I complain constantly about my poor little feet hurting something awful in the evenings when I get home from work. (I don't have good feet to start with & the summer season at work has been taking a toll on the footsies.)
Soooooo..... instead of getting me a one time pedicure at a salon he was thoughtful enough to get me a personal foot spa..... If any of you have one of these you know what I mean when I say that it is a WONDERFUL little gadget! It isn't too noisy which I was very pleased about. You fill it with warm water, get you a little towel, then sit on the sofa & stick those tired tootsies in, heavenly! It also has some knobs & ridges that vibrate slightly & you can run your foot & heel across them, that feels better than heavenly! Oh, it also has a little compartment where you can put some aroma therapy oils or some bath salts, I put some peach scented epsom salt in it the first time & it was devine! And if I don't feel like getting up right away to empty the water, I just slide it over out of the way & grab it on my next trip to the little girls room or something. I was worried about the maintenance of it ruining the enjoyment of it, but it's simple, just dump the water out, take a quick swipe with a paper towel & it's done....

Thank you so much sweetie, it was a really thoughtful gift, & I can promise you, it will get plenty of use!! :)
Happy Anniversary, you guys! It is worth the work. At least, I keep telling myself that. SNOL! I joke, but it sounds like we both have "keepers". ;-) Here's to many more years of happiness to the two of you!
It is a LOT of work but it is worth it.
Hope you have many more Happy Anniversarys.
I like the foot spa, looks wonderful. That is so much nicer than a new swiffer which it what I received on my 21st anniversary. See what you have to look forward to? LOL
Happy Anniversary! (Told you I'd forget...) What a great gift! He is a keeper...
(And look at those BROWN legs. Ga. Mine are like paper-white...)
Happy anniversary to you both,
Happy anniversary to you both,
Happy anniversary dear you both,
Happy anniversary to you booooooth!
Congrats! It is worth keeping up the work!
Aw, Happy Anniversary. How about a pic?
Happy happy day to you both!!! Can you stick your whole body in that bath??/ 'cuz it looks sooooo inviting......
happy anniversary
I have the foot bath, I haven't used it in awhile but seeing yours brings out the longing again!
Happy Anniversary!! Sorry I'm late.
Happy Anniversary! I hope you get more use out of your foot spa than I have... I'll admit, I wanted one forever, honey got it for me, I used it once... and its been in the closet ever since (oopsie)... lol
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