It just drives Miss Jasmine nuts when I'm on the laptop. She thinks I should be looking at her in my lap instead! Quite often she situates herself in between me & the computer for a snuggle. And last night I happen to think, hey! I have a web cam on this thing!!!

I'll try to make sure my hair is in better condition from now on when I'm on the laptop! SNOL
Don't forget to check out the WoW site!!
Awww...Fluffy does the same thing. Kinda hard to type around her sometimes. lol
Gretchen too...
I want a puppy cam so I can watch the girls from work!
Love these pics.
Aurora types when I'm on the computer.
Hair? Now you know why I don't "talk" on the computer with a web cam.........LOL
Cute kitty!
Spunky does that with my computer even though it isn't a laptop. He also likes to sit in front of the monitor and lay across the keyboard. goofy kitteh. :)
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