Lots of yard work happened this weekend. But worth the effort! We had a big thunderstorm this afternoon, which we've been having every evening for about 6 days now. They've been great for the yard. I went outside & took some photos after the sun came back out....

We cleaned off the patio, needed it really bad. Even though it's so hot out there in the full sun we never use it. One day we will have this screened in! :) The rosebush on the right has been there for about 9 years & it's just HUGE. I cut it back this weekend because all the pretty peach blooms had been spent. It will bloom again in about a month. I bought it as a hybrid tea rose but I believe that died & it came back from the root stock. If I'm not mistaken it's a climbing rose, it gets taller than me, heck this year I think it was about 6 foot before I trimmed it back this weekend! And on the left is my new yellow rose bush that I finally got planted today. Along with a few vinca. The hubby mowed the yard while I put out new pine needles....

These poor daisys didn't fare so well during the thunderstorm, got a little beaten down. But the one's below still look happy.

I couldn't resist a closeup with the water still on them.

Here is a photo of one of the last of the magnolia blooms. At least one that I can reach. The tree is really large now, just gorgeous! Even though the leaves falling drives me nuts.
And here is my gorgeous purple/blue hydrangea bush. Isn't it just beautiful?! I'm not sure why the pinker bush beside it didn't bloom this year...
I think this beauty of a bush is my absolute favorite! The bloom balls are just huge & they will last for a while in a vase if I want to cut a few & bring them inside....
We also heard from our recruit this weekend too, we got 2 letters on one day! He is doing good, eating lots & working hard. I'm so proud of him! I've done the bootcamp thing & I know it's really hard on him, but he's got such a great attitude towards it. :)
Hope everyone had a great weekend!!
Gorgeous pictures! I love the one of the daisy(?).
We just got home from the beach. So. Tired.
Great pics - esp that close up daisy... gorgeous!
Beautiful flowers! What does The Princess do with flowers in her house? The Royal Highness here lets us know they are hers (or maybe that she doesn't think plants belong in the house) by eating /chewing them. Gad!
Congrats on the letters!
Beautiful! We need to do so much yardwork, housework... Bleah!
Your yard looks great! I do have to say, in the north we are always trying to rake the pine needles OUT of the yard, so I had to read it twice before I realized that you use them as mulch.
Glad you heard from your son, and that he is doing well. Thank God.
Your flowers are gorgeous! I love daisies and hydrangeas.
Wanna come help with my yardwork? :)
That's a very happy daisy and I must say they are my favorites.
YAY! For the recruit. Good to hear he's okay.
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