First just let me say that today is mine & the hubby's 13th anniversary! We had dinner at the Olive Garden, wonderful like always. I couldn't imagine my life without you, good times or bad you're always there. And I love you!
Now on to the knitting/spinning....
I finally finished one of my flip flop socks!! I had to put these on hold due to the thumb injury a while back. Now I just need to cast on for the second one. I'll be ready for the cooler weather when it gets here in a few months. These are the Ulterior Motive Pedicure Socks. I'm knitting them in Panda Cotton, which is a bit splitty when knitting but makes a really nice finished sock. I love the pattern, it's quick & easy & looks way more complicated than it really is. I made the top a little shorter & the foot part a little longer. I wanted it to cover most of my foot except for the toes so I can wear my flip flops with them....

And I finished spinning my Mermaid BFL roving that I got from Kathy's etsy shop a while ago. This was my first attempt at Navajo plying. It came out really pretty if I do say so myself! LOL You'll have to wait on a photo of the finished yarn, it's had a bath & is hanging to dry at the moment. Here is a photo of the single still on the bobbin before plying.

More lovely BFL roving from Kathy's shop.

And some lovely merino & correidale fibers from the Lakehouse Loft.

And so I leave you with a photo of my Pink Duster, of course I had to have one that was pretty. LOL

Happy Anniversary:)We just got back from a 2 week vacation.Hugs Darcy
Happy anniversary! That plied yarn looks AWESOME, as does all the roving.
Congratulations on your anniversary ~ you are so fortunate to be in a loving relationship ~ it's one of the real gifts we can have in this life.
That's a lot of roving! My gosh, can't wait to see what all your spin up and make :)
BTW, the duster in pink, is very cool!
happy Anniversary----you are just babes in the woodS
DH was reading over my shoulder ---he thinks your flipflop socks are really hot!
But he also said if I ever make a duster out of yarn he'll cut off my yarn allowance!!! I told him I already posted that I would be sticking with throw-aways!
Happy Anniversary!
What great rovings!
Happy 13th Anniversary to both of you! :-)
Love the pedi socks. And the fiber is drool-worthy!
The fiber is lovely. I will not spin. I'm just gonna keep repeating that to myself. I love how the singles look on the bobbin. Not sure I could bring myself to do anything else with it. g
Well I'm late, as usual, but Happy Anniversary!!!!!! Is the duster for hubby? LOL
Spin, girl, spin!
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