Jessi even found one with Jazzy's photo on there! Or it could be Miss Oribel, or possibly the Dashing Henry. LOL
Grace made me a lovely snowflake ornament which went right on the tree. Far enough up that hopefully Jazzy won't find any interest in it. The Hubby has already caught her getting an ornament off the tree to play with! :)

Chan sent me a wonderful box of goodies! A new Pampered Chef Chopper (my old one needed to be retired to the trash can), a book (I'll let you know how that is after the holidays when I actually have some time to read), a new rubber duck (if you remember, my old one is the first thing I threw out in the "Throw Out 50 Things"), some BEAUTIFUL, soft, purple/pink mix spinning fiber, a super cute Christmas card with the girls on it, and a new toy for Jazzy (which she must have enjoyed cause it is now missing under some piece of furniture). It also included some heavenly chocolate that didn't make it into the photo cause the Hubby was eating it at the time of the photos.... LOLSee, here is my Munchkin in her new home, my shower. She seems to be enjoying it in there. :) Thanks for the effort you put into finding me a new ducky Chan! SNOL
And thank you so much for everything else!!! It is very appreciated, & was very sweet of you to send.
Today when I got home I had a package from Kathy! It included a sweet Christmas card, an ornament with a pattern to knit a cover for it, a new Swiffer Sweater in animal print no less, and a Tootsie Warmer. I was tempted to put the new sweater on my swiffer & sweep the floor (Kathy is making this sweeping WAY too much fun, hopefully the newness will wear off soon! I'm getting the guys too used to a clean floor! SNOL), but instead I popped that Tootsie Warmer in the microwave & now I'm sitting here on the sofa with my feel all warm & toasty, writing about all my goodies!! Thank you so much Kathy! I love everything!!!
Now on to some knitting updates..... I have a few finished objects to show you!!! Here is the Cascading Leaves Shawl (Ravelry link) that I knit for the Hubby's grandmother for Christmas. I think it turned out beautiful even though I wish it was a little larger. This is my first "shawl". I've done wraps before but not a traditional lace shawl. I really enjoyed knitting it, it was a great pattern. There are a few "operator errors" in there, but I don't think anyone but me would notice them....Sorry bout the photos, Jazzy & I are home alone tonight & she didn't want to hold the shawl for photos...... so I did the best I could.
And I finished the 2nd Bonsai Tunic (Ravelry link). This one I knit for one of my bosses, Amy. She asked me to knit her one when she saw the one I knit for elann.com. She said that she loved it. :) I think it was supposed to be a gift for someone but now I think she is keeping it herself. LOL

And finally..... let me show you our new Christmas tree!

My firefighter friends will be happy to know that we finally got an artificial tree this year. We used to love having real trees. When we lived in Greensboro we used to ride to the mountains for the day, visit a Christmas tree farm & pick out our own tree on the side of the mountain & have it cut down right there. But since we moved here to the coast.... it's too far to drive to the mountains just for a tree. Pout. And the real ones are getting harder to find here & the ones you do find are just too expensive. So we finally got an artificial tree. I think it's really pretty, & we got one heck of a deal on it since it was the last one that Lowe's had like it. Now I need some new ornaments!
I hope everyone has a good week & if you are traveling for the holidays, be safe!
Deer Sizzy & Gwetchie,
Thank you very much for the new toy you sent me for Christmas. I am enjoying it very much. I would enjoy it even more if Mommie would get up off the sofa & find the new hiding place that I found for it. Sometimes she just doesn't get this game, I think she might be a bit slow if you know what I mean. Oh well, she means well. I hope you enjoy the toys I sent for you. I don't know about you, but I thought the sheep were very soft & snugly. Mommie wouldn't let me play with them though..... I tried to help her wrap everything but I wasn't getting near that dang sticky tape!
I hope you get lots of good stuff from Santa this year! I'm sure I will cause I know that I've been good.
You gals are okay for doggies.
Luv, Princess Jasmine
the shawl is breathtaking, I love it!! Merry Christmas to you and yours
The shawl is lovely. I know she'll love it!! I'm so glad you ALL enjoyed our package. Now, here's a thought... Put that purdy swiffer cover from Kathy to use and run it under all the furniture until YOUR Princess's present from us pops out. Great fun for all.
Where do I start? lol What wonderful gifts! We do have wonderful friends, don't we? I'm hoping to get my act together after the 1st and put together some "Just Because" packages (since my ideas for Christmas went kapoot). ;-)
OH! And before I forget (again), your package came in the mail today! THANK YOU! Everything smells wonderful!
I hope you have a wonderful Christmas and a safe New Year!
Your shawl is beautiful. What thoughtful gifts you have received from your bloggy friends. Have a wonderful holiday.
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