This is all we had for accumulation where I work at the beach....

Quite a bit of it had melted before I got home but the hubby drove through town (about a 1/2 mile from my house) & took a few photos for me while it was still fresh & falling. We got a whole inch of the white stuff!And Chan, if you ever get down this way, this is one place we are eating. That's Nesbit's down there on the far end. Still no T's..... but gotta love the Philly Cheesesteaks!! :)
It was really weird, quite a few places within 20 miles of my house got several inches of snow. But the immediate areas got no more than a dusting, like where I work & several other places within 10 miles only got a dusting. But right there in the downtown area, about a 5 mile radius got a whole inch. My hubby said that it snowed so much right there at our house just for me. Cause I had been wanting some so bad. :)
There was still a little bit of snow left in my yard today when I got home. It will all be gone tomorrow though, the temps are supposed to warm up into the 60's tomorrow. At least I got to see some snow this year. There have been several years that we haven't even seen a flurry....
Did you let Jazz take an up close and personal look at it?
We got some flurries the other day, too. None of it stuck, but it was enough for the kids to see it and go run in it while it was blowing around. :-)
That's pretty cool, seeing the palms in snow. I'm jealous, but such is life.
NOW THAT'S NOT FAIR!!!! You live at the beach and I'm in the mountains!
I've got 7 foot snowbanks at the end of my yard. While the snow last year was making me a little nuts, most of the time I love it. There is nothing like sitting inside and watching it come down... so peaceful.
How are you, BTW?
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