Not much going on here lately to share, just been getting orders ready to go out.... however I did get a little bit of spinning done & plied my first homespun yarn. I ended up with only 40 or so yards of chunky/bulky yarn, but I'm so proud of it! It's incredibly soft. At first I thought I'd make a little felted project out of it but once I gave it a bath & wound it up, I don't think I have the heart to felt it, it's so pretty as it is. I'll have to find some small project to do where I can leave it unfelted....
Look at that! It looks amazing! :-)
Well done, so pretty. What does 40 yds makes? I don't know, I might want to just admire & pet it for a very only time. Can you make a funky necklace? No felting please.
Good for you!!!! It's so pretty.
Oh how cool!! Great job girl!! It sure is pretty!
Hope your weekend is going well.
I am in awe of all you spinners!
So beautiful. I've already told you that I don't have the heart to even knit up my first yarn from spinning class... It just lives on the coffee table and makes me smile!
Well you should be proud! What pretty yarn and you made it all by yourself (well, we'll give the sheep who donated the wool some credit:)
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