Who would have thought that after 2 or 3 years of cement (it's been so long that now I can't even remember! LOL).... that the hubby would actually get motivated at the last minute & decide to put down our ceramic tile floor in the kitchen THIS WEEKEND! Here is a "before" shot....

Here is a shot of the Hubby cutting tile on his new wet-saw. We priced renting one & we could buy this little saw for the same price! Go figure. We do still have both bathrooms to tile eventually, and the purchase already paid for itself getting through the kitchen floor. It was a messy job, but someone had to do it. :)

Here is a "in progress" shot. We laid out the whole floor first. Got all the cuts made & everything before we cemented it down.

Here is a shot of the hubby mixing the cement.... I swear I was helping all day! LOL I was just the one behind the camera when I had a minute. There was one hilarious moment that I didn't catch on camera.... notice that he has on a different T-shirt now than earlier.... the first batch he mixed was like turning on the blender without the lid on, it went everywhere! It was sooooo funny! I tried not to laugh, honest. Luckily he thought it was pretty funny too.

And...... here is a finished shot! It's all in place & cemented down. It is drying tonight, tomorrow we will do all the grout.

It was a very successful day! A lot of work but very successful.
Hope everyone is having a good weekend!
Your tile job is beautiful!
Just watch the hubby with a saw.......lol
Jazzy can slip and slide on this floor. Where was Miss Jazzy during this little job?
Oh thats purdyyyyyyyyyyyyy! Good job to the hubby and you!!!
We just have cement in the livingroom now..will be carpet whenver Coco gets out of the chew the carpet stage..she still ripping it off the stairway!
I've so had one of those "cement blender" moments! LOL It truly does go splat all over the place. I swear, after helping my parents tile their *entire freakin' house* I blew cement and grout powder out of my nose for a month. lol Maybe that's what's wrong with my sinuses. Hmmm....
It looks great!
Hooray! Looks awesome, and I know you are on cloud nine.
Yay!!! a new floor... that's so exciting! Congrats Anita!
Looks wonderful! Isn't it great when motivation arrives on one of those projects that have been around for a while?
I am so impressed. Does he rent out?
WOW - that looks great! I bet you're psyched!
I have been out of the blogging loop, but wanted to check in.
How are you?
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