Sorry this is so late, I believe that I caught Jessi & Michelle's sinus infection through the computer somehow... I went down pretty hard Sunday evening & I'm just beginning to feel more like myself now. Got a load of antibiotics, Musinex D & new allergy meds coursing through my system, a sore butt from a shot that I'm sure the lady at the Dr.'s off enjoyed way too much, so maybe I'll feel completely human by the end of the week.

Now on to the good photos that I got of the Alpaca at Lisa's farm on Sunday before I came down with the crud....
Oops! I don't think this one was ready for a photo shoot yet! LOL She looked so surprised. :) I just love this one, I need to have it blown up & framed, how funny would that be, to come in the house & see this silly girl every day?!! ha ha!

Take a look at these cuties, this is a mom & yearling. I still can't get over how small they really are. The little one's head only came up to a little over my waist, and I'm short at only 5'2"...... Don't you just love their hair styles?

This sweet girl is getting ready to be a new mommy. Look how fat her belly is, Lisa said it could be any day now. I'm hoping she will let me know when the baby is born so I can go by and see a real tiny baby alpaca.
And all silliness aside, this pretty girl lost her 1 month old baby just 2

weeks ago, she has been sad & moping around. Lisa is hoping that she will perk up soon. The other lady alpaca have been spending time with her trying to cheer her up she said. How sweet!

Here is another Mommy & yearling, they have 21 Alpaca with one due any moment on the farm now. I left this one and the next photo whole without cropping so you could see just how clean this farm is. I was amazed! I grew up on a cow/goat/tobacco farm, wasn't nearly this spotless. The hubby said that when you raise

animals for their fur/fleece/whatever it has to be kept clean so the fiber is clean & you can get top dollar for it. And the alpaca weren't stinky either. Now I didn't stick my nose on one but I did pet a couple of them & my hands didn't smell funny after. :P

I also got this new spindle while at the Alpaca farm... it's purple, pink & silver with glitter! :) It spins great, much better than my other one. I get what they are saying about balance with a spindle now..... so now I'm working on some cream fiber that Lisa gave me to ply with my pink.....
Oh. My. Gosh. Why, oh why do I have to live in a neighborhood where you can't have livestock?!? Those are some of the most precious alpaca I've seen! And you're right...that farm is amazingly clean. I'm so glad you got to go, even if I did send you my "crud". ;-) Hope you feel better soon!
Jessi, it's a buyer's market around almost all of the country. Wouldn't hubbo like the littles to grow up with more fresh air and he could have more space for his storm trooper conventions, maybe even a special garage they could call their own? Of course, a couple of wee alpaca wouldn't take up much room...
Anita - *I* expect a visit out there when I'm in town!!!!!!
Alpaca's are so much fun...'cause you can put so many different captions to their photos! I love their eyelashes!
The look on the one Alpaca is to die for. I have not had a chance to get up close to any fiber animals but it will be in my future.
Oh how cool! Love the new spindle! I still haven't done mine yet, not sure how to with it being opposite of all the video's i oh well...
Feel better soon!
My dad used to live near a house that had was fun to walk the dog by there. They were always curious. The dog was always in a hurry to go past them.
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