Wednesday, August 27, 2008
Whiskers on Wednesday

Tuesday, August 26, 2008
Pay It Forward Exchange
The last time I checked Marilyn still had one spot open, Kathy and Mary both have spots open to fill.
Now don't get scared off of this exchange cause you have to make 3 items. If you choose you could make someone a sweater or a pair of socks or a shawl, but it really doesn't have to be that elaborate if you choose not to. It could be a set of dishcloths, or a scarf.... heck, it really doesn't even have to be knitted, you can crochet a gift, or sew a gift, or if you are into soap making do that. The whole point is just to do something nice for someone just because. And it gives us all a chance to meet someone new, a future friend. Come on, you know you want to play with us. :)
Now I'm off to Ravelry to search for some gifts to knit!
Monday, August 25, 2008
Finished Project!

I did miss finishing up one of my projects in the WIP Wrestling.... oh well, I got 2 projects finished so I consider that a success!
And I cast on for a new project, the Trumpet-sleeved Shrug, this is a free pattern on the Drops website. When I get a little further along I'll post a photo, it's not real exciting at the moment with only 5 rows done. :) I'm using some elann.com Sierra Aran in the Sangria colorway.
Off to cook dinner & hopefully knit a little...
PS - I still have one spot open for the Pay It Forward exchange (see post below) if anyone is interested! :)
A Sad Goodbye...

Saturday, August 23, 2008
PVC Niddy Noddy

It was super simple, only took me about 5 minutes to get it all cut. But you know me, I couldn't have just a plain ol PVC niddy noddy! I bought some paint that is supposed to adhere to plastic, I figured that if it would stick to plastic, surely it'll stick to PVC!
I had a $5 Off coupon for Ace Hardware, with that the total I paid for the PVC & the paint was a whopping $2.44! Now that's a bargain! And my purpley-blue niddy noddy works great, got my newly homespun Monkey Fuzz superwash wool yarn on there, tied it up, gave it a bath, now it's hanging in the laundry room drying.....
Another successful, affordable project completed! Now to get knitting on that Tidal Streams Scarf! Got to hurry, the Ravelympics are almost over!
I still have 2 spots open for the Pay It Forward Exchange (see post below) for anyone who is interested. I promise to knit you something purdy!! :)
Thursday, August 21, 2008
Pay It Forward

Wednesday, August 20, 2008
Whiskers on Wednesday

Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Happy Birthday to Me!
(I know, this is a shameless plug to get all of you to wish me a happy birthday! SNOL! A girls gotta do what a girls gotta do!)
Saturday, August 16, 2008
Saturday Projects....

Now let me show you my new homespun yarn! Just look at all that yarn on one bobbin!!! That is a full 7 oz. of fiber. I'm sure that I would have gotten all 8 oz. on there but as you can see one of my bobbins had a bit more single on it than the other did. I believe I got a little better at my spinning and the second bobbin had a little more on there than the first one did. And I know I'm getting better at my drafting, I ended up with 275 yards of yarn!!! That is before it's bath & setting. I'm thinking that I'll gain a little more yardage after that. So this time I got approx. 150 yards out of 4 oz. of fiber. The last time I did 4 ounces I only got about 80 or 90 yards! I would still classify this as a worsted weight yarn, even though some parts are a little thicker and some are a little thinner. I can see myself spinning some sport weight yarn soon! Yeah! Hopefully tomorrow I'll give this new homespun a quick wash, then I just have to figure out what to knit with it!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008
Early Birthday Presents!

Take a look at all that room inside there! Lots pockets, a zippered pocket divider, downright roomy in there! I've already stashed my Ravelympics projects in there on one side, and before the night is over I'll have all my purse junk on the other side, so I'll be ready to haul it all with me to work tomorrow!I just can't begin to thank you enough for this WONDERFUL birthday gift Chan! You are truly one of the best & special people I know. THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! I'll think of you every time I grab it to go somewhere! :)
And my new blogging friend, Rosanne, also got me a birthday gift... she just doesn't know it yet! LOL Thanks to Rosanne buying some stitch markers from my esty store, I went right over to Crazy Monkey Creations & bought myself some new spinning fiber! I am planning on making the Justify wrap by Lynn Vogle. I'm going with greens & purples for main colors with other bits thrown in. I'm thinking that this will be a good way to use up some of this "first yarns" that I'm spinning now. :)
Well, gotta get busy here, spinning, knitting, admiring my new goodies, something! LOL I'm too excited to be sleepy, I expect I'll be up late tonight!
Whiskers on Wednesday

Tuesday, August 12, 2008
Sock Yarn Vs. Homespun

Just a little tidbit here for those of you who are curious.... I've seen lots of talk online about not being able to spin laceweight yarn, or that it is harder to spin laceweight on a spinning wheel with Irish Tension. Well, as most of you know, I recently bought a Heavenly Handspinning Adamo wheel, which is Irish tensioned. And my buddy Chan has just recently bought a Bellus double treadle wheel from Jan over at Heavenly Handspinning (should be at her doorstep next week! Woohoo!). I know that she has been a bit worried about not being able to spin her favorite weights of yarn, fingering & sport weights.
Well, I know that Jan, the creator of the wheel, can spin really thin stuff. She is what I would consider an expert spinner though... so just to prove what you can do with this great little wheel, I have a photo for you....

Monday, August 11, 2008
Game On!

First project in the WIP Wrestling is my Green Vine Stitch Wrap, this is an old photo, I'm only one ball away from finishing this.

The second project in the WIP Wrestling are my fingerless gloves. This is a free pattern, Mitt Envy, Click the link & get yourself a copy. I love this pattern! Everyone says that "this pattern is a quick little knit" and most of them I've found really aren't that quick, but this one is. I knitted this one up in about 3 evenings total, just stretched out a while cause I got sidetracked. :) I'm sure some of you other faster knitters can whip one of these babies out in one sitting!
And finally, the project I'm doing with Team Costa Rica. My new project, Tidal Streams, the scarf version. It also comes with a shawl version. It looks a bit scrunched up at the moment, but this is going to be gorgeous after blocking!
I had a bit of trouble with this when I got started, nothing with the pattern, that's awesome, it was knitter error. I cast on for this Friday morning before going to work, after completing the edging & 1 of the pattern repeats I messed something up! And I just could not figure out how to fix it so frogged the whole darn thing Saturday afternoon! But it is coming along nicely this time, and I have enough done that I can see the nice pattern emerging now. :) This is a fairly easy lace pattern, nothing complicated in there, you just have to pay attention to what row you are on. I really need to make a sale or two on Etsy so I can head over to Nichole's shop & get one of her magnetic boards. That would come in super handy. :)
So, GAME ON! I'm on my way to the finish line!
Wednesday, August 6, 2008
Whiskers on Wednesday

Tuesday, August 5, 2008
A Friend in Need...
On to the important stuff.... Anyone out there that has the time our Michelle has a friend who's 7 year old son, Luke, has an inoperable brain stem tumor. Michelle is needing some 8x8 knitted squares for a blanket for Luke. Just click on the "Michelle" link, it'll take to to her blog & you can read all about it.... If you have the time & would like to donate a square contact Michelle. I just can't imagine what this family is going through & I hope I never have to find out.... Our thoughts are with them....
Friday, August 1, 2008
Secret Agent Knitting Update...
(Okay, so the chick seems to be holding knives or something, SNOL, I was going for knitting needles but I don't have a good art program on my computer yet. Just go with me here. LOL)
Soooo.... Secret Project #4 was Chan's Birthday Shawl! This is the Nereides pattern by Jacquelyn Landry. I did however re-work the pattern a bit. For some reason I just couldn't get my brain to wrap itself around her wording. If anyone else gives this pattern a try & has the same trouble let me know & I'll send you the changes I made to make it more understandable to me. I also saw on Ravelry that a few other people had made some minor changes.
I used Noro Silk Garden Lite, 5 balls of it, which came to 680 yards. I have never used Noro Silk Garden before & I have to say that it is truly lovely yarn. Very soft & cuddly, and it has the gorgeous colorways just like all the other Noro yarns. Even though this is listed as a fingering/sport weight yarn it still has some of the thick & thin thing going on. I think it came out really nice & Chan seems to love it & that's what is important. :) I had beads on the edges but they were driving me nuts while I was taking the photos so I took those off. If they drove me crazy in that short of time, I knew they would drive Chan nuts too. But you will have to check her photos out for a "beadless" wrap, I was too lazy to take new photos. ;P
And now on to Secret Projects # 6 & #7! Stay tuned for more Secret Agent Knitting!
(Maybe I'll have a better logo then! HA HA!)
Hope everyone has a great weekend!!