Today when I got home there was one of those HUGE writing spiders on the front storm door.... needless to say this has entertained Jazzy for quite a while. She went between pawing at the door, looking at me & meowing at me like I was supposed to get it for her (yeah right!), and laying not far from the door keeping watch on it.... I personally didn't like the spider at all, but Jaz sure did!

On the knitting front.... I finished one of my Ravelympics WIP Wrestling projects! Behold.... my Mitt Envys!

Eeewwwwww! I hope you didn't see your name in it's web! One of those old Mountain things my Grandparents used to tell me!
I went to slepp last night while the girls tried to catch a moth that came in when I let the boys out for the night. I have to assume they got it. Have not seen it this morning.
That is a pretty big spider. I have some at the over hang of the roof and I wash them away so they do not get any closer to the front door.
Looks like Jazzy is having fun!
Love the mitts.
Love those action shots of Jaz!
Love the fingerless gloves, is that fetching. Great choice of yarn.
Cute Jazzy... pretty mitts!
Ick, Ick, Ick! Glad Jazzy enjoyed it, though. lol
Yumyum! Henry is the same way with Bugs!
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