Sunday, September 30, 2007
Enough with the new camera!!

"Enough with the new camera already!!!"
Wednesday, September 26, 2007
For those who want to know
This is an online magazine/newsletter that you have to subscribe to but they have a ton of wonderful patterns!! They also have some free patterns... I am just a pattern junky and can't help myself, there is that "no control" issue again!! :) I have more patterns, free & purchased than I will ever be able to do in my lifetime!!! Some lucky future knitter is going to hit the jackpot when I'm gone!! Hopefully many, many, many years in the future!!
Tuesday, September 25, 2007
Check these cuties out!

Hmmm.... who's cloth is this??? I wonder.... could it be my secret dishcloth pal's? Yep, that's it! I sure hope she likes it! I am also knitting another little goodie to go with it! And I have to finish getting her other snackable goodies, then I'm ready to ship! Could it be yours???? :)
For my Super Duper Secret Dishcloth Pal!
Not to worry, I'll make sure I have some of those peas waiting for you!!
I am just about finished with my package to my secret pal.... I will just have to wait to mail it. That is just going to drive me nuts! :)
Monday, September 24, 2007
Dishcloth Exchange Topic of the Week
Autumn has now officially begun here in the States!! What is your favorite thing about Autumn/Fall? Why?
Autumn is my favorite time of year here.... since I live in the SE it gets sooooo HOT here in the summer! We have almost no Spring, it goes from cold to HOT in just a few weeks. Autumn seems to last the longest. In September it finally starts to cool off some, still in shorts though. :) I would say that our Autumn lasts until Christmas around here.
Saturday, September 22, 2007
Candy Corn Markers

Thursday, September 20, 2007
Mystery Theme Swap
And they have a super cool button! :)
Ok, so now I'm hooked on these swaps!! I just can't seem to help myself, I think it is a sickness....
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
New Goodies & New Job

And I got my package from Elmore Pisgah... 12 balls of Peaches & Cream cotton yarn. 4 balls of "Flair", the darker purple/teal/pink; 4 balls of "Black Cherry", the black/white/pink, which I'm hoping to do some cloths, towels & whatever else I can get out of them for

Thankfully I can shop any time I want online!!! I can find anything I want too! :)
THE NEW JOB.... It isn't "new, new". I started Aug. 1st. But I really do like it, I am my own department, he he! Website store operator, shipping dept, graphics dept all in one! My boss leaves me alone to do my job & seems pleased to have me there. Very casual, get to wear shorts, Co. T-shirts & flip flops if I want. Hey, we are at the beach after all!! The view is awesome but it is probably a good thing that my office is in a cubby hole with no windows!! I wouldn't get anything done otherwise! :) I do enjoy driving across the bridge every morning getting to see the sun coming up over the ocean & waterway. I also don't have to stay holed up in my office all day, so I do get out & get to breathe the fresh salty air & get some wind in my hair. (looks great by the end of the day BTW! That is meant as a smart ass comment.) I have sooooo much less stress here than at my previous job, I need to slow down a little, I tend to run circles around everyone here!! Anyway, I'm enjoying the change & that was a bit scary at first after doing the same thing for so many years....
Dishcloth Swap TOPIC OF THE WEEK
When you knit or crochet dishcloths, washcloths or face cloths, what do you use? What size needle or hook? Wood? what type? Metal? Plastic? A specific Brand? Why do you love that needle or hook so much? Is there one you are dying to try? Is there a particular yarn you love and use all the time for cloths? What is so special about it?
With dishcloths I usually use size 6 or 7 straight metal needles. While I love my KnitPicks Options circular needles for most everything, I do still like my Boye straight metal needles. The cotton yarn seems to slide easier on them and they have really sharp points which makes it easier I think. I use the wood needles for other stuff where I don't want it to easily slip off the needles.....
I don't think I'm dying to try any needles... I'm sure there are some out there that I haven't heard of but I like the ones I have at the moment. Don't like plastic needles... I'm willing to give any of them a try, I just might find some I like better, who knows...
I don't have a special yarn I like more than others, I haven't come across many yarns that I did not like!! :)
Beautiful Morning!
Saturday, September 15, 2007
It's a small world...
One of these wonderful ladies who lives in a different state than I do, bought a set or two of my stitch markers, and when showing them to a friend the friend said, Hey those look like a set I bought on vacation!! The friend contacted me and said, could it be that I bought your markers while on vacation?
Well, it sure was! I do I have a "normal day job" M-F, but work at my LYS on Saturdays just for fun & to make extra $ for yarn of course!!! The super-wonderful owner lets me sell my stitch markers in her store. After a few conversations and telling me about her visit to the YS on vacation we realized that she came in when I was working and we chatted, I showed her my awesome cable needles which you can by at Patternworks (, she bought her goodies which included a set of my markers, etc., etc.....
Just goes to show you what a small world it really is and you just never know when you will cross paths with a new friend and not even know it until later!! :)
Thanks to everyone who has left such wonderful comments on my blog!
You all have really made me feel welcome in this new world (the widespread internet knitting family) that I have joined.
Have a great evening!!!
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
New Pumpkin Stitch Markers!

Monday, September 10, 2007
Topic of the Week - Dishcloth Exchange
No, I do not change. Our weather here in the SE doesn't change much until Jan or Feb. We only get a few cold months, & only a few flurries if we are lucky. I really miss the snow!! :(
I love felted bags & of course that takes 100% wool.... dishcloths are always good.... I tend to use acrylic for afghans, those I usually do knit or crochet in the cooler months..... and sweaters are usually knit in lighter weight yarns, cotton, linen & other yarns that are airy, etc..... don't get much use out of heavy sweaters here. It was 90 something here today!!! Yuck! It is supposed to be fall for goodness sakes! Unfortunatley we are usually still in short sleeves at Christmas here.
Time to get started!!
I contacted my secret pal this evening.... This is my first swap so I hope my secret pal doesn't mind me going a bit overboard!! ha ha! She just might be sick of hearing from my by the end!! :) Keeping all this a secret is going to be tough, I'm not a good secret keeper!!! I'll try my best.
Sunday, September 9, 2007
Saturday, September 8, 2007
My latest finished project!
Here are a couple of photos of my newest bag.
This pattern is the Double Delight pattern in Eva Wiechmann's "Pursenality Plus" book, with a few modifications. :) I made it a bit smaller, I think the original is a tote bag size & mine is more large hand bag size. Just perfect for my "junk" I carry around every day! It has 3 large pockets with magnetic closures.
I made it out of Malabrigo yarn. It was sooooo soft and beautiful it was almost a shame to felt it!! I got the beautiful matching leather handles from Homestead Heirlooms, here is a link to their site:
They are super friendly ladies & I got my handles and mini leather leaves in just a couple of days!
This bag ended up being a bit pricey but it is what I really, really wanted!!! And it's price doesn't compare to my husband's hobbys, so he can't complain!! I'll get so much use out of it too!! :)
Friday, September 7, 2007
Join, Join, Join!!!
Thursday, September 6, 2007
"Fall Into Autumn" Dishcloth Swap Questionaire
BOTH. I have been crocheting for about 12 years, my wonderful grandmother taught me the basics & I took it from there. I have been knitting for about 2 years. A friend talked me into trying it, I always thought it was one needle too many! Now I love it!!
2. Have you made dischloths before? Do you use them yourself, give them as gifts, or both?
Yes, I have made many of them and do use them myself. Last year I gave about 20 of them as Christmas gifts with pretty soaps in them.
3. What's your favorite cotton to make cloths from? What cotton would you like to try that you haven't before ?
Not sure I have a favorite.... I used Knitpicks Shine Worsted for the Christmas gifts last year, it was really soft and I thought it would make nice face/washcloths for the bath. I have also used the Sugar & Cream for dishcloths. I would try any yarn, I love just about all of it!! :)
4. If you knit, do you prefer circular or straight needles? For all, do you prefer wooden, metal, or plastic needles?
I like both circular & straight, depends on what I'm knitting. I like both wooden & metal, I have both, it depends on what I'm knitting which I use. The yarn slides easier on the metal I think. Don't like plastic at all, tried them and now they are at the bottom of a drawer somewhere!
5. What are your favorite colors? Any colors you don't like much?
LOVE purple!! I also like greens, yellows, pinks, white & black. I don't like the too bright colors, I like natural, jewel or earth tones & pastels. And, my kitchen is black & white, so any colors combined with black & white would be great! Any color for the bath. I'm not picky.
6. What do you like best about Autumn?
The somewhat cooler weather.... it gets REALLY hot here in the summer!!!
7. Pies: Pumpkin? Apple? Pecan? All of em? or No Thanks!
Pecan the best.... I also like Key Lime & cobblers!
8. When you were a kid, were you the one who couldn't wait to get started with school , or the one who overslept on the 1st day?
I don't think I overslept but I wasn't all that thrilled either! It was just something I had to do.
9. Do you celebrate Halloween? (The real key here guys is especially knowing if you have an aversion to the holiday or little goodies/decorations associated with it, given the timeframe of the swap)
I think Halloween is a lot of fun! I love the decorations and costumes. I'm more of a "cute" person though, I don't go for the scary or gory.
10. If you had to choose just 3 edible 'goodies' to eat for a full year, what 3 would you choose?
Gummy Bears, Chocolate (Rolos & M&Ms are my faves), does Pasta count as a 'goodie'? ha ha!
11. Do you have any pets? Kids? Husbands who seem like kids? ;)
I have an adorable kitty, Jasmine, we call her Jazzy. One step-son who has now graduated high school and has left home. And I do have a husband who definately seems like a kid most of the time!!
12. If you were to describe a particular yarn that shares traits of your personality, what would it be and why?
This is a tough one..... maybe a laceweight mohair blend, like Rowan Kidsilk Haze. It is light and fluffy, dreamy, very soft, but strong at the same time. I am a real softie, tenderhearted to a fault, cry easily & my feelings get hurt easily. I have a dreamy nature and love romance novels and cry at sad movies. I love lacy pretty things. I'm kind of shy. But I am also very durable and strong. :)
13. Do you use your cloths mostly for dishcloths, or as facecloths?
Ummmm..... facecloths/washcloths I guess. I use both though.
14. Favorite Fall Holiday: Halloween or Thanksgiving and why? (Feel free to share another fall memory if you do not celebrate either of these holidays)
I would have to say Halloween, no pressure there! Thanksgiving & Christmas can be a little stressful with all of the family and expectations....
15. Do you have any allergies or aversions your pal should know about?
Just your basic seasonal allergies, please don't send any dust or mold! ha ha! No allergies to food or yarn! That would just be horrible!!
A Friend's Sweater
The sweater was from the book by Beth Brown-Reinsel, her first book "Knitting Ganseys", published in 1993 by Interweave Press.
Wednesday, September 5, 2007
New Bag!!
I just bought a new handbag, just can't have too many bags, or shoes for that matter!! :) This is a handmade bag from, check out her store, really pretty bags and you can buy the patterns too!!