I am really enjoying this project so far. Even thought the 5 inches of K2P2 ribbing seemed to take forever. I changed the body to stockinette with a lace & cable insert in the middle. Which is probably a waste of time since on the dark purple it will be hard to see. (the purple is darker than in the photo) But it's keeping it interesting. I have to do the body for 20 inches, which is going MUCH faster than the ribbing.... Can't wait to get it finished! I wish I could get it finished for my trip to the Knitter's Day Out event but I'm not getting my hopes up for that.

And Grace is having a blogiversary contest for her 2nd blogiversary! She is giving away one of her beautiful shawls, you don't want to miss out on a chance to win that!! Find your favorite shawl pattern & go on over to her blog & post a link to it in the comments. Then give a little shout out on your blog... & you've got 2 entries right there!
Happy 2 Year Blogiversary Grace!!
thanks anita for posting about my contest!
Cute!! Knit on, woman. I'm wearing Stardust on Friday, *IF* I have my sweater done to wear on Saturday...
Love the color of that yarn!
.Love the purple! Beautiful color..........Miss Aurroora is hleping me type and I can't see the monitor............CATS!
I just checked out the ravelry link...what a cute knit!!! Can't wait to see the finished product!
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