Might as well get yourself a drink & a snack, it's gonna be a long one....
I had intentions of posting this last night but 2 things happened.... First the Dishrag Tag box was waiting on me when I got home from work. I had to get that dishcloth knitted up so I wouldn't be holding up my team. Got it done & in the mail today! Second thing that happened to keep me from posting... my darn Internet quit working last night! UGH!! I'm just glad that it's back on today & I didn't have to spend half the night on the phone with tech support!
Lets start with my trip to VA & PA....
I got on the road about noon last Thursday & headed to
Chan's in VA. I arrived at Chan's around 7pm that night. We headed out to eat dinner at a local Mexican restaurant, it was totally yummy! Chan & her Knight were wonderful hosts! And of course Sissy & I loved each other on sight! LOL This is what I saw of Sissy most of the time... she was either running full speed ahead or with her nose to the ground. What a cutie pie!

Friday after getting a good night's sleep, we headed up to PA. We talked, & talked, & laughed, generally having a good time during the ride. We met up with
Michelle &
Amanda around 6:30pm. We checked into Knitter's Day Out, took a quick turn around the market then headed to dinner. We stayed up late talking & knitting.
(From left to right) Me, Amanda, Michelle,ChanSaturday was filled with classes & shopping the market. And while my classes were a bit to easy/beginner for me, I enjoyed the day. The trip was well worth it to get to spend time with the girls! And I did get some great yarn & fiber at the market, plus a little clear zippered KDO bag for a souvenir.

Then after a wonderful dinner together at Duke's Riverside Bar & Grill we all headed out. Chan & I arrived back at her home about 10:30pm or so.... we stayed up talking & spinning.
Unfortunately Sunday morning came way too soon! Chan & I had plans to visit a local yarn shop at noon, so we played with Sissy & practiced our spinning. We also found out that bobbins do not make good chew toys for dogs.... or maybe they do! :)

But how could you get mad at this sweet face!?! We aren't sure if she took it cause it looked like a good toy or if she was mad at us for spinning & not playing with her. And to be honest she took it from the seat right behind me! LOL She gave me such a pitiful look when I took it away from her.... she knows how to work her humans. Never fear Sissy is having new bobbins sent to me from Jan.
While we were getting ready for the yarn shop trip poor Sissy got stung by several Yellow Jackets (bees). Her poor face was swelling something awful & the pain or the stress made her sick, so Chan loaded her up in the car & headed to the vet's office. I finished packing my things back in the Blazer & headed for home. We will visit the yarn shop another time....
Finally pulled back into my driveway at 6pm Sunday evening! It was a loooooong trip, lots of driving in a few short days. But SO worth it to spend time with the girls!
I do have a few finished projects to show you too. This is the hat that I knit for donation at KDO. Just a simple rolled brim hat... 
And I finished my purple Circular Shrug in time to wear it to KDO on Saturday!!

And last but not least.... I promised you a photo of the pretty fiber that
Robin gave me last week when we met. Here it is, Purple Murple from Hippie Art Chick Fibers, can't wait to get spinning on all this fiber I have now! :)

I sure hope everyone had as wonderful weekend as I did! It was so awesome to meet so many of my blog buddies the past week!! We MUST get together again soon!
Great post! BAD Sissy!! My Mom's bassett's chewed so much of my good stuff over the years, mostly shoes!
I really enjoyed our time together! Next time you go to G-boro let me know!
Bad Sissy indeed. But gee those are great photos of her! The Knight just smiled and smiled... I think this is the first blog post other than mine that he's ever read!
Well now, Sissy thought she wanted to join the spin-in. How nice of you to share your tools...LOL
Oh, I wish I could've met up with all of you. Sounds like you had a wonderful time and oh my, I love the pink/purple goodies. Looks like a knitter's candy shop:)
Yep, those sweet basset eyes can suck you right into their depths.... They are hard to say no to, but if you live with them, you have to learn how. (Kind of like the cute orange faces!)
I am so gald you all had fun, I wish I could figure out a way to go along someday.
lol Definitely hard to say no to that face. The purple shrug looks amazing!!! As do the goodies! Okay, I've so got to make it to the next meet-up! It looks like y'all had a blast!
(sorry for all the exclamation points. lol)
Was SO NICE to spend time with all of you. Can't wait to see you all again sometime (hopefully SOON!)
Great pics - esp that last one of you & Chan!
You guys look great and such a great post! Glad you all had a great time!
Sissy is something else, cutie for sure!
Love the yarn and your shrug!! I"m partial to that color too..lol
Sooo awesome. I'd love to meet more blog buddies, so far only ONE! But maybe some day...
So great to see you all together. What great fibers you have. Love the colors. I'll be meeting up with friends I keep in touch with, including Chan, in January at Robin H Knitting Retreat.
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