And yes, I have burnt a batch or two of sheep & others.... & the step-son burnt a batch for me when I forgot to take them out of the oven the night before, I turned it off & let them cool off in the oven. I forgot to take them out afterwards.... next day he went to pre-heat the oven for a frozen pizza.... needless to say I had me some toasty sheep! haha!! It really was funny even though it was disappointing at the same time, they are very time consuming to make & they couldn't be salvaged.
I have to say that my hubby really gets me & my craftiness even though he gets that glazed deer in the headlight look about him when I start talking knitting, yarn, stitch markers, swaps, blogging friends, & what do you think of this color or what about this pattern..... ha ha! Poor guy, he really tries to act interested. :) And I know he pays attention sometimes because he tells everyone about my crafts & how I sell my clay animals online & that I've won contests & whatnot..... can you imagine the glazed looks of his buddies as he is telling them about my craft adventures.... **LOL, snort, snicker**!!!
And, one of my sisters got me a Walmart gift card for Christmas & I knew exactly what I wanted! I went & got myself organized!! Now we can eat at the kitchen table again!! he he!

Now see that beautiful plant beside it?? Isn't it gorgeous? It stayed out on my front porch all summer & fall, loved it there. Let's see if I can keep it alive this winter.... while I can grow lots of pretty plants & flowers outside I seem to have a bit of trouble getting them to live inside. Not enough light, not enough water, too much water.... just can't get the hang of houseplants. I need one of those Sun rooms that are attached to the house, I bet I could do it then! Wishful thinking there!!
That is a very thoughtful gift. You have that "one" plant too. So far my Audrey is still alive.
Your hubby is definitely a sweetie! Makes me want to give him a big hug for being so worried about his gift. :-)
All my plants are fake. My thumb is black all the way to the elbow. SNOL
How wonderful is that!? Maybe he can join the Knight and Jessi's hubby in teaching a workshop for the men who just don't get it...
We are so lucky to have guys that do "get" us! Can't wait to see all the new creations you make now... Happy new year!
oooo,I hear you on the hate to cook thing, me too! And I think it's sweet he knew to gift you with something you could use for your art, not makin him some bacon in!
Aw, that is very sweet! And it's cute he was worried about you thinking it was one of those 'home' gifts some women hate to get for Christmas - very thoughtful =) Looks like you had a lovely holiday!
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