I was tagged by Georgeanne.....The Rules:Once tagged, you must link to the person who tagged you. Then post the rules before your list, and list 8 random things about yourself. At the end of the post, you must tag and link to 8 other people, visit their sites, and leave a comment letting them know they’ve been tagged.1. My best friend in kindergarten is still my best friend today!! We went through 12 years of school together, now many years after that.... I wouldn't know what to do without her, even though we live so far apart now!! Thank goodness for email & cell phones!! :)
2. I didn't go to college, I went into the military after school instead. 4 years & 3 months in the United States Coast Guard!! I was a Boatswains Mate Third Class (for those of you who might know what that is).
3. At my "real job", I'm a graphic artist and web store operator. I just started this job in Aug. of this year.... I love it MUCH more than production work (newspapers, printing companies, etc) which is what I have done for the past 15 years or so.... it was just too stressful.
4. My
hubbie & I are both on our 2
nd marriages, we ran off to Myrtle Beach to get married. It was just me, the
hubbie, the preacher & the little old lady who took pictures. It was wonderful & charming.... we called everyone, family & friends, later that night & told them we were married! What a surprise!! Still together & happy after 12 years!!
5. I have one 18 year old stepson... never wanted any children of my own. I like kids
ok, as long as they go home with someone else! ha ha!
6. I have panic attacks, well mostly screaming at the top of my lungs, jumping, seizure-like flailing around, jumping,
hyperventilating attacks, anytime I come in close or not so close contact with insects or spiders of any kind!! And I can't squish them either! Someone MUST come save me from the beasts!!!! And I'm convinced they smell the fear on me, they always come close to me and never anyone else in the house or wherever I am at the time....
7. I have had 5 original patterns published in various publications (knit & crochet). 2 of them were award winning afghans in the
Herrschners annual contest.
8. I taught myself to knit, and unknowingly learned Continental style knitting... I just couldn't get the hang of holding the yarn in my right hand, I learned to crochet first remember. So, I hold the yarn in my left hand, I didn't realize this was an actual proper technique until I started going to a knitting group on Thursday evenings at my
LYS. I thought I had invented a new way to knit all on my own!! SNORT!!! HA HA! Sure I'm that smart!!! :P
Oooooh, a bonus!!..... I don't need to be around sharp objects, I'll just hurt myself. I tend to be a bit on the clumsy side, just call me grace!!
I am tagging
uberstrickenfrauI would tag my Super Secret Dishcloth Pal but I don't know who she is yet! Darn it!!! Just who the he** are you????? I'm not good a keeping secrets, heck - I think I sent my Dishcloth pal her package almost before it started, I HAD to, I'd give myself away before she got it otherwise!! People that can keep at good secret just drive me bonkers! ha ha!.... That could be why my husband doesn't do his Christmas shopping much before Christmas eve, he doesn't want me to be badgering him about opening them early.