I was thinking....hmm... maybe people would like to see those silly Flamingo prints that inspired my washcloths that the awesome Super Duper
Terri created.... Ok, I live at the beach & I'm painting my bathroom aqua, white & cream. I have these art prints, really cute huh?? he he, they are so silly, I just love them!!

I actually worked with the artist,
Ortrud Tyler, when she had the prints made. I used to work for the printing company that printed them for her. I had to do the color work on the computer to make the prints match the originals as close as possible. Let me tell you, this was no easy task!! But Orturd was always a lot of fun & I will miss working with her!! She signed my prints for me, that was soooo sweet!! She also does
fine art prints, check these out, she does silly as well as very beautiful work!
If anyone reading this were to buy one of her prints, let her know that you found her through me, she would get a kick out of that!! :)Artwork Copyright © Tyler Art Studio
The flamingo prints are adorable! I have a close friend who collects flamingo art/stuff/anything, so I always keep my eyes open for her. :-)
I love that you bothered to add the copyright. My stepmom has flamingos on handbags and such; I'll check with my sister and if there's interest...
They are wonderful! I searched and searched for some other silly flamingo stuff for your package, but couldn't find a single thing that was appropriate. I love it when people use original ideas in their decorating... you will have to take a few pictures when you're done with your bathroom because I can't wait to see it!
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